

& Wellbeing

Melissa Twaddell, Louise Amor,  Shannon Argall & Liam Offer


Horsham College School Uniform is now available from Lowes in the Horsham Plaza. We are currently waiting on samples for the new rugby jumper, soft shell jacket and sports pants. The arrival of this stock has taken longer than anticipated due to issues with the previous manufacturer. We look forward to having these items become available in the the not so distant future. A reminder that the only approved under garments are plain white or plain navy blue. Hoodies and black long sleeved tops are not approved. Students are also expected to wear plain black shoes.  We ask families for their support with our uniform - an expectation at our college. If students are not in unform and have a genuine reason, they need to present a note from parents/carers to their year level office prior to form group. Last year we called for student and family voice as part of our uniform policy review - the new policy was based on the information we obtained from the representatives. 


Leaving School Without Permission

If students are needing to leave school for a pre-arranged appointment or become unwell, this must be done through the Administration Office. All students leaving school prior to the end of the school day must have parent/carer permission and the school must be aware as part of our duty of care obligations. 


Year 10 into 11 Information Night

This week we held our stepping into VCE information night. We thank the families that attended this night - it was well supported, with many questions asked on the night. The Senior Handbook was also handed out, if your child is in year 10 and did not attend the night, please get them to report to their co-ordinators to receive a parent information handbook. 


SEQTA Engage

As a school, communication is an incredibly important tool and we rely on SEQTA to communicate with families - please ensure that you are accessing this communication portal. If you do not have access, please contact the school to obtain access. 


Subject Selection Days

Over the next two weeks, we will be hosting our subject selection days. These days are incredibly important as planning for the following year starts. Please note that Year 10 into 11 have their day on Wednesday 9th August - please book an appointment prior to this day. If you missed the whole school subject selection day for years 7,8,9 and 11, please contact your child’s year level office. 


Mobile Phone Use

A reminder that mobile phones must be kept in lockers and not accessed during the school day. Please refer to mobile phone policy on our college website for further information. 


Rubbish At School

We take great pride in our school and the wonderful work that takes place every day, however it is really disappointing to see the amount of rubbish that is on our school grounds, including food scraps, despite bins being placed around the school. Please speak to your child about the behaviours that are expected of them in society and that school needs to be treated like home, workplace and the general community itself.  Education is a partnership and we value the support our families provide. 


Grade 6 into Year 7 transition days

Over three days last week, we welcomed Grade 6 students from across the region to come try Year 7 for a day. Students were able to experience a variety of subjects and meet some of their peers and potential teachers next year.  To all our new students and families, we very much look forward to getting to know you all and learning with you next year.


Thank you to our current Year 7/8 students and families who helped facilitate this day with cancelled classes. A very big thank you to our Year 9 helpers as well who did a fantastic job in supporting the Grade 6 students throughout the day.


Take Care,

Shannon, Louise, Melissa and Liam.