Principal's Report

Mr Rob Pyers | Principal

Subject Selection Day

The subject selection day for Years 7, 8, 9 and 11 was held on Wednesday.  This is one of my favourite days of the year as it is about positive conversations between students, families, and staff.  The day provides students and families with the information needed to determine which subjects will assist student engagement and support their pathway, and showcases the large range of opportunities the College provides.

Year 10 students going into Year 11 in 2024 were able to attend an information evening earlier this week with their families. We are holding a specific day next Wednesday for Year 10s to be able to get the best advice possible as they make decisions between VCE and VCE Vocational Major, VET subjects, acceleration, and School Based Apprenticeships.










Principal Team 2024

The Principal Team for 2024 has been finalised as detailed below:

Principal Class

  • Principal – Rob Pyers
  • Assistant Principal 3 – Teaching and Learning – Meg Woolford*
  • Assistant Principal 1 – Disability Inclusion - Melissa Twaddell*
  • Assistant Principal 1 – 7 & 8 – Shannon Argall*
  • Assistant Principal 1 – 9 & 10 - Liam Offer*
  • Assistant Principal 1 – 11 & 12 – Louise Amor*
  • Assistant Principal 1 - Alternate Programs (Acting) Dan Garner

War on Waste – Horsham College

The ABC program War on Waste has inspired the Leadership Team at the College and we are seeking student and family support to help reduce our waste.  Rubbish and recycling are now an expectation in society and the College is committed to becoming a leader in this space.

We will be looking at a number of new initiatives to support our ‘war on waste’.

For the moment we would like to see students take responsibility for their rubbish, using the bins provided and providing ideas as to how we can be leaders in our community.



A reminder again of the need for all students to follow the College Council’s uniform policy.

I have asked the year level teams to have a particular focus on the wearing of hoodies under polo shirts and jackets, and also on shoes.  The College takes a supportive approach with uniform but repeat offenders will be provided with consequences.  Please reach out to year level teams if the uniform is an issue so that we can support students.


VCE Common Room

Our new VCE Common Room has recently arrived and will be hopefully in use by the start of Term 4. This building has been purchased by the College Council and will be outside of our entitlement.  We hope to have the building certified for use by the start of Term 4 so our current Year 12s can be the first students to use the Common Room.