Demonstrating Respect

When asked about our school values, respect is the one that most students can recall straight away. While we adopt this as a Gospel value at St Mary MacKillop College, it is fair to say that the concept of respect is universal, transcending race, religious traditions and culture. One of the foundational aspects of respect that our students are encouraged to embrace revolves around the concept of personal space. Here at school we have a hands off policy - it is not acceptable to interfere with another students personal space, to get physical with another student or to push and shove someone. It is also not just about physical distance but also about recognizing and honouring the emotional boundaries of each individual. By giving everyone the room to move and respecting their need for quiet moments, we create an atmosphere that values the diverse ways in which students and staff interact with their surroundings and with each other. At the heart of respect lies the willingness to honour and value the contributions of every member of our community. Our school should be a place where students should not fear ridicule or mockery from their peers. By affirming, encouraging, and genuinely engaging with each other's thoughts and accepting that each of us is a uniquely gifted person, we create an environment where everyone's voice matters, fostering a sense of belonging that resonates deeply with the spirit of respect.


Our school's resources and facilities should reflect the collective pride of our community. We are continually challenged by the apparent lack of consideration and respect our students have for their environment. This is evident in the amount of rubbish in the yard and classrooms and that amount of damage to our resources, including MacBooks. By treating our environment with care, respecting the materials in our classrooms, and disposing of rubbish responsibly, we cultivate respect not only for physical belongings but for the shared spaces we all enjoy.


Respect is a journey of growth and intentionality. Just as St. Mary MacKillop once wrote, "make allowances for human weakness and difference in dispositions," we understand that our path is marked by diversity. By embracing the idea that everyone is doing their best, we pave the way for understanding, empathy, and collaboration. Let's be individuals who are open to learning, who are cooperative, who uplift others through our words and actions, who foster respect and safety, and who can be trusted. By adhering to our College Community Expectations and focusing on our school values, we strengthen the bonds that make our school such a wonderful community.


Uniform reminders

A reminder that students should not be wearing coloured t-shirts under their shirts, or long sleeved t-shirts under their polo shirts or dresses. A reminder that this is not part of the uniform and students will be asked to remove these. There are long sleeved options for extra warmth, school jumpers and jackets plus the PE rugby top to wear with the PE uniform.