Mission and Religious Education

Jacquelene Cronin

Assistant Principal - Mission

Mission and Religious Education


Whole School Masses

Last Friday 11 August our students in Year 1 led our whole school Mass celebration and altar servers in Year 4 served for the first time. The theme for their Mass was Mary MacKillop and all of the students read beautifully and participated with reverence and confidence. Congratulations Miss Myers and Year One.


Our next whole school Mass will be on Friday 25 August and Year 4 will lead. Mass will be at 9.30am and everyone is welcome.


The Assumption

Tuesday 11 August we are going to the 9.30am Mass to celebrate the Feast of The Assumption, as this is a holy day of obligation. On the Feast of the Assumption we remember that Mary the Mother of Jesus at the end of her life was assumed into Heaven body and soul.


Darryl Martin Visit

We also welcomed back Darryl Martin who visited our school to see all the wonderful things we are doing at St Michael’s. We were very excited to show him the many positive initiatives happening at our school especially around our environmental work in response to Laudato Si’.


Prior Notice Father Curran on Holiday

Father Curran will be on holiday for three weeks from the start of next week. We wish Father Curran a restful and much deserved holiday. Father McHugh from Tamworth will be celebrating Sunday Mass with the parish.


Living Well, Learning Well - Pastoral Care and Wellbeing 

Legends of the Light Shine

Our Legends of the Light Shine focus for Weeks 5 and 6 of this term is ‘Team Players’. Being a team player in life is very important as so many of the things we do in life involve working and playing with others. In class our students are learning about people in the Church and especially about some of our saints. We can look to these and many other people we know, for examples of how to be a team player.


Healthy Lunches

Eating a healthy lunch is so important for wellbeing and learning however, thinking of ideas for healthy school lunches can be quite tricky. The Cancer Council has some great information and interesting ideas on their Healthy Lunch Box page that you may find helpful.


“Let Your Light Shine” support others to let their light shine and remember “We Shine Brighter Together”

Jacquelene Cronin

Assistant Principal - Mission