Message from the Principal

Mrs Bronwyn Underwood

Dear Parents and Carers,

Last week I had the privilege of accompanying our Stage 3 class on their trip to Sydney. We had such a wonderful week taking in the sights and sounds of our capital city. As a group we experienced a lot in a short space of time and the children and adults alike, had a wonderful time. We had some very late nights followed by very early mornings and everyone is now quite adept at riding the public transport system in Sydney. A very special thank you to the class teachers, Isabella Rasche and Leah Summerell for taking the week away from their own families, allowing the children in Stage 3 to experience such a wonderful excursion. The ladies were fabulous in their roles and ensured a great time was had by all. Our excursion can be viewed on the school facebook page and the Northern Daily Leader will be running a story on the children's trip to the Manly/Penrith NRL game last Thursday night. 


We have recently received some wonderful news regarding the academic success of two of our students at a Diocesan level. In Term 1, students in Years 3 and 5 completed the annual NAPLAN testing. Congratulations to Lillian Squire (Yr 3) for achieving Yr 9 Strong Proficiency level in Mathematics and Molly Gallagher (Yr 5) for achieving Yr 9 Exceeding Proficiency level in Reading. Well done girls. We are all very proud of your fantastic results. 


Last Term, some students in Stage 3 entered the Diocesan Students as Authors Writing Competition. Congratulations to Molly Gallagher who was awarded Highly Commended in the Years 3-6 section. There were 158 entries received. Molly's fabulous story can be read here.


It is always wonderful to receive external recognition for the academic gains at St Michael's. Students, supported by staff and families, continually strive to excel and improve in everything that they do. 


Welcome to Alexander Pettit. Alex has joined the Year 1 students at our school and comes to us from Manilla Central. We hope you enjoy your time with us Alex. 


Staff will commence the process of evaluating our Annual Improvement Plan for 2023 over the coming weeks. This will assist our thinking and preparation for our 2024 plan. Parent input is always valued. If there is an area in the school that you feel is lacking - academic, sporting, cultural, social or spiritual, please let us know. Constructive feedback is always welcome. The annual Survey My School survey will be distributed to parent emails on August 21. This survey is one forum for feedback to the school. Survey responses will be analysed by staff in the school improvement process and categorised for use in future planning. 


A reminder that the school uniform requirements at St Michael's include the wearing of black school shoes. Please ensure that when purchasing shoes for school, they are totally black with no other visible colours. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. 

Warm Regards,
