Student Wellbeing

Term 3
Student Representative Council
On Monday 17th July we had our first SRC meeting of Term 3. We welcomed the new SRC members from Upper Primary who will hold the position for Semester 2. Students reflected on the successes throughout Semester 1 and discussed new ideas and suggestions as we move into the second part of the year. Please enjoy the minutes of the meeting below.
National Pyjama Day 2023
Support Little Kids with Big Dreams
Concord School will host National Pyjama Day on Friday 28th July. National Pyjama Day is all about wearing your favourite pair of PJ's to help The Pyjama Foundation raise much-needed awareness and funds for children in foster care. With the money raised from National Pyjama Day, the Foundation will offer learning skills to more than 1000 children, fund educational resources and help provide stable, positive relationships.
On Friday 28th July, students are encouraged to wear their favourite pyjamas, onesies, trackies, hoodies or oodies! We will have a gold coin donation to support this amazing fundraiser.
Karlie Gooding
Acting Assistant Principal