Important Dates

Term 3 2023
Tuesday, 8th August - Foundation Yoga Incursion
Wednesday 9th August - ICAS Writing
Thursday, 10th August - Grade 5/6 Finance Incursion #1
Friday 11th August - Grade 3/4 Councillor Visit
Monday, 14th August - Curriculum Day (CAMP Australia available)
Tuesday, 15th August - Grade 1 Yoga Incursion
Tuesday, 15th August - School Council Meeting
Wednesday, 16th August - District Athletics
Wednesday, 16th August - Postponed -Grade 5/6 Excursion to Montmorency SC Production: "The Addams Family"
Wednesday, 16th - ICAS English
Monday, 21st August - Book Week commences
Wednesday 23rd August - Book Week Parade 9.15am
Monday, 21st August - Foundation - 2 Swimming Lessons at Eltham Leisure Centre
Tuesday, 22nd August - Foundation - 2 Swimming Lessons at Eltham Leisure Centre
Thursday, 24th August - Grade 5/6 Finance Incursion #2
Friday, 25th August - Family Outdoor Movie Night
Monday, 28th August - Foundation - 2 Swimming Lessons at Eltham Leisure Centre
Tuesday, 29th August - Foundation - 2 Swimming Lessons at Eltham Leisure Centre
Monday, 28th August - Book Fair
Wednesday 30th August - ICAS Maths
Wednesday 30th August - Foundation FRV Visit
Friday 1st September - Father's Day Breakfast
Monday, 4th September - AFL Footy Clinic
Wednesday, 6th September - Whole School Production
Thursday, 7th September - Whole School Production
Monday, 11th September - AFL Footy Clinic
Tuesday, 12th September - Grade 1 Yoga Incursion
Tuesday, 12th September - School Council Meeting
Thursday, 14th September - Parent Teacher Interviews (onsite) from 12:30pm to 6:30pm
Friday, 15th September - Footy Day - (dress in footy colours)
Friday, 15th September - End of Term, early dismissal at 2:30pm
2023 Dates
Term Dates:
Term 1: January 27 - April 6 (all students start 30 Jan)
Term 2: April 24 - June 23
Term 3: July 10 - September 15
Term 4: October 2 - December 20
2023 Student Free Days
Friday, 26th May
Tuesday, 13th June (Semester 1- Staff Professional Practice Day)
Monday, 14th August
Monday, 6th November
Wednesday, 6th December
Tuesday, December 19th (Semester 2 -Staff Professional Practice Day)