Students of the week

Term 3 - Week 3
Lara V - For being Foundation A’s daily dose of sunshine! Your positive energy for learning and life has shone though in your school work. It is delightful to see how proud you are of your daily efforts and the way you listen to your teacher's feedback to make it even better! Well done!
Matilda J - Matilda, you have been such a fantastic worker this term. You have become a literacy legend! You're reading so beautifully, and you have amazed me with your wonderful writing. I love hearing you sound out the words during any literacy task, it brings a smile to my face! Keep up the awesome work Matilda!
Jett V - Congratulations Jett! Your enthusiasm during Production rehearsals is infectious! You have been doing great listening and leading by example. Well done super star!
Zach H - Zach, you consistently display an incredible attitude in class and positivity towards all our learning. You regularly share interesting thoughts and fun facts that make our classroom a wonderful place to learn. Well done!
Layla A - Congratulations Layla! You have produced your personal best work in writing your ‘Forky’ procedure. Well done!
Roshan S - Roshan, you have worked so hard in all aspects of school. You always try your hardest with Reading activities, Writing tasks and Maths activities. I can see your efforts to branch out and become better friends with others in 2A while still maintaining strong friendships. Keep up the fabulous effort!
Spike W - Spike, what a super week you have had! You have completed your work and made good decisions whilst also keeping the class entertained with your witty humour. You can always sense when someone needs cheering up and will go out of your way to make sure they are okay. 2B is lucky to have you. Keep up the great work!
Bailey S - Bailey has made a wonderful start to Term 3 and demonstrated the values of learning and friendship. She is in tune to the feelings of others and always make sure that her friends are included and supported. Bailey has a positive attitude towards learning and is becoming more confident in herself as a learner. Well done Bailey!
Kyran G - Kyran, your attitude and effort have been so impressive this week! It has been wonderful seeing you take pride in your learning and try your best in all areas. Thank you for being such a positive part of 3/4A and keep it up!
Lacey S - Lacey, you always enter the classroom with a smile on your face and are ready to take on any challenge with a positive attitude. Keep it up superstar!
Clementine B - It was so wonderful to see your smiling, excited face during Athletics Day! You gave it your all in each race! Well done, Clementine!
Yaya Y - Yaya, congratulations on the outstanding effort that you put into everything you do at school. Your English improves every week, and we love your wisdom and friendship in our classroom What a superstar you are!
Ryleigh S - Ryleigh, you apply yourself wholeheartedly to everything that you do in life - with a healthy dose of competitiveness! We also love your beautiful manners. Barely a day goes by when you don't ask your teachers how they are. Thank you for being such a ray of sunshine in 34E!
All of 5/6A - Let me just say that teaching you all has been an absolute joy—a rollercoaster of funny, heartwarming, and "facepalm" moments.
Piper B - Some people would say a start this good to Term 3 is a pipe dream! I’d reverse it, and say your start to Term 3 has been a dream, Pipe! Keep up the amazing work, Piper!
Mia D - Congratulations Mia, it is awesome to witness your enthusiasm each day, especially during Readers Theatre sessions. You are such a diligent, caring and helpful student and your class participation is amazing. Well done superstar!
Hamish M - Hamish, you have been a sensation this year. I have watched you grow into a remarkable young man and I truly believe the world would be a better place with more Hamish Maihi’s in the world. Well done!
Elias N - You are so excited about your studies on volcanoes this term Elias. It's wonderful to see volcanic facts just "erupting" out of you!
Memphis B - You displayed such wonderful sportsmanship in our soccer kick off final. You showed the true meaning of being a good sport.
Term 3 - Week 4
Jude F - You are always displaying the school values in our class. You are a kind and caring classmate, and you have been producing amazing that you are super proud to show off. Keep it up, Jude
Leon P - Leon, you are such an enthusiastic and passionate learner! The smile you bring to school each day is infectious to everyone. You spoke so proudly at assembly last week and have been doing 5 star work in the classroom. Keep up the awesome work Leon!
Kenzie P - Congratulations Kenzie - you have been a Maths whiz this week! Learning all about 2D and 3D shapes and sharing your ideas with your class mates! Keep it up, super star!
Harriet W - Harriet, you are doing incredible job with your reading, making predictions, following along, and having wonderful discussions. I am so proud of the way you sound out carefully and self-correct your reading. Well done!
Oscar M - For doing a fantastic job with your persuasive writing piece. Keep up the great work, Oscar!
Kaleb D - Kaleb, you have continually been putting in effort to take responsibility and initiative for your learning, especially in whole class activities and instruction. Keep up the hard work, superstar!
Luca B - Luca, what a superstar you have been in Maths this week! I am proud of how you have taken on new challenges after missing our introduction to multiplication and division last week. You have hit the ground running and have gained a solid understanding of equal groups. Keep up the great work!
Archie E - Archie has demonstrated a responsible attitude and has made great choices for his learning in the classroom. He completes his learning tasks to a high standard and has a wonderful ‘give it a go’ attitude. Keep up the amazing work!
Roy B - Roy, you have had an excellent week this week. Thank you for approaching all tasks with enthusiasm and for always trying your best. I have been really impressed with your tenacity. Keep it up!
Harry P - Harry, you have done such a wonderful job at tackling the grid method this week. You have taken on the challenge with determination and persistence. Keep it up superstar!
Millie E - For your wonderful persuasive sentence work using hyperbole, logic and emotion! You utilised the devices well and gave reason. Well done!
Austin C - Austin, congratulations on the outstanding effort that you have put into Maths and multiplication this week. You have worked so well independently and have remained focused. I love your response to ‘How did you know?’ when we do anything multiplied by 6! - ‘Football!’
Sabine D - I love the way you think deeply about things we are learning about and make great connections to things previously learnt. You are always kind and caring towards others. It is all these traits that make you so admired by others.
Owen B - Owen, the hive would not survive without your willingness to contribute interesting ideas and your preparedness to ask questions!
Benjamine G - A gentle kindness is a trait she has in spades, the only thing mean about Ben is her name. Your massive improvement in the assessments and your wonderful personality are essential to our 5/6B community!
Lily C - Congratulations Lily, we are loving your wonderful contributions to class discussions. You have such a positive and determined attitude toward your learning. Keep up the amazing work!
Alana M - Alana, you always show kindness and compassion to everybody you encounter. This is an admirable trait that I hope you never lose. On behalf of everybody in the class, thank you for being a superstar friend!
Michael G - You selected a complex natural disaster and worked so hard to finish your information report Michael, well done!
Ryleigh S - Words to describe Ryleigh are passionate, athletic, driven, energetic, competitive but most of all humble. You display respect and consideration every time I see you in P.E. Beautiful manners and a 'how are you Mrs Costa?' gesture goes a long way. Keep being amazing Ryleigh, you are a star!