Performing Arts

This week in Performing Arts:
A ukelele storm has hit the 3-6 students at Monty Primary school this term! All students have been learning the basics of the ukulele, beginning with the parts and function of this diminutive instrument.
Grade 3/4 students have been looking at correct technique for strumming as well as how to play first position chords such as C,Am,G and F. They have also been working on their transitions between chords so to make these as smooth as possible.
In the coming weeks we will be learning the National Anthem as well as a Jason Mraz classic in "Im Yours".
The Grade 5/6 students have been learning about the classics in out "I share, you share" sessions. Here I share culturally significant songs that students should know in building a strong understanding of what came before and informs modern artists.
They have also been exploring the ukelele, learning the C,G,Am,F,B chords. With these mastered we will be learning the Sinead Oconnor classic "Nothing compares to you" along with a Bob Marley classic "One Love".
Photo Caption: Joel Koolstra 5/6E
Joel has been methodically working on his chord transitions and mastering his technique on the Ukelele