Parent Information 

& Community Notices

Woori Yallock
Woori Yallock

Bendigo Bank Woori Yallock





Have you heard I’m doing a Draw Show, It's just like a Magic Show but with Drawing and stuff. 

I’m bringing "the fun" to the stage. You'll laugh (hopefully) You'll Clap (hopefully) and You'll draw (For Sure) That's RIGHT the drawing isn't just done on stage by Me, You'll be given a Clipboard, Pen and Paper to draw along with Me too!. 

Life's better when we Draw together, Even if all you can draw is a Stick Figure, that's awesome, that's a great figure to start with! 

PLEASE NOTE: While there are games and Crowd participation, I wants everyone to feel welcome, safe and comfortable, If sitting and enjoying the show is you, THAT'S TOTALLY COOL! I'm just glad you came to his show, after all Nick is more a Care-toonist than cartoonist. 

It's a PA+ Event (PRIMARY AGE PLUS) and Tickets are JUST $10 



Nick Love's Draw Show


Computer/Mobile Coding

In today’s world, it’s essential for young people to learn how to create technology not just consume it. Coding AU’s lessons empower students with the tools they need and help give students the best chance at being successful in our increasingly digital age. Extend your child’s awareness and horizons. Free trial lessons available now at