Principal's Message
2024 Planning
Well it is that time of the year where our Prep enrolments for 2024 are beginning to be confirmed and hence we are able to begin class structure planning for the year ahead. We are in a very fortunate position where we will require two Prep classes next year. It is very exciting to be welcoming many siblings of our current students to Launch, as well as many new families who are just now joining our school community with their oldest child beginning primary school.
Letters have been sent out this week via email and mail to families who have requested enrolment with us.
Kinder to Prep Transition Continues
We had our second session of our Transition Program run on Wednesday and it was an excellent turn out. Our newest friends enjoyed the opportunity for some Visual Arts with Miss Nyman, reading the Rainbow Fish and making their very own to take home. If you haven’t yet signed up to come along to transition get onto it!
Puberty Talk – For Students in Year 5/6
Did you know that learning about puberty, our bodies and self-care is a part of the Victorian Curriculum? Consequently next week, on Thursday 17th August our Year 5 and 6 students will be participating in a Puberty Talk with Sharon Witt titled: ‘The P word! - A Guide to Puberty’
Sharon has been teaching puberty to young people for the past thirty years and presents in many schools around the country. Students enjoy her relaxed, informative, and humorous approach, whilst also maintaining a safe environment for children to ask questions.
The puberty session will cover:
- How our brains signal the start of the puberty journey
- General changes associated with puberty
- What’s happening for girls
- What’s happening for boys
- Menstruation
- Dealing with emotions
- What to do if… answering their most tricky questions)
- Caring for our bodies
Two sessions will be run on the day, one for our female students and one for our male students. We hope this will support students to ask questions and engage in meaningful discussion.
About the presenter
Sharon Witt has been a secondary educator for three decades and is a highly sought-after media commentator on issues impacting young people, parenting and educational issues.
She is a best-selling author of 18 books written for young people to help guide them through many of the issues they face in early years, including the best-selling Girlwise and Wiseguys series, Teen Talk, Surviving High School, and Starting Secondary School
You can view Sharon’s books at
Year 6/7 Transition – Upper Yarra Secondary Visit Rescheduled
Upper Yarra Secondary College has very kindly rescheduled our Year 6/7 Transition session for our current Year 6 students for this coming Monday 14th August. This event is now on Compass for families to approve. I hear there is going to be some cooking and other exciting bits happening, so it will be great for all Year 6 students to take part.
Hoop Time Success
How impressed we were with our fabulous students last week for the sportsmanship, teamwork and great attitudes demonstrated at our two Hoop Time tournaments. Between our Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 we were proud as punch. A massive thank you from us to all of the parents and volunteers who helped us out on the day with coaching, scoring and cheer squad. You guys are the best!
Parent Opinion Survey
Our Parent Opinion Survey was opened on Monday 7th and will continue to be available to collect responses until Friday 8th September. We are very keen to hear what each and every one of our families think of our school, our processes, communication and ability to lead your child to meet their full potential. Your honesty provides us with opportunities for reflection and growth. We would greatly appreciate all families responding. Last year we had over 50% of families respond and would love to improve further on that in 2023, ensuring that we prioritise areas for future improvement and celebrate areas of strength based on the perceptions of the majority of families.
Please check out Compass for the specific link to the survey. You will also need to copy or note down our school specific password to gain access as we are not allowed to share this in online, public material.
Breakfast Club
Just a reminder about our school breakfast club which is run by Sharyn on Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 8:00am. All students are welcome to come along for a yummy breakfast and a chat. We love having a crowd!
Principal’s Day
It was Principal’s Day last week which provided the opportunity for a bit of self-reflection around my position at Launching Place and what we have achieved in the last year. Being a School Principal is rarely glamourized, in fact people’s perceptions around teaching and educational leadership are often negative. As a 19 year old I approached my Dad to explain, to his disheartenment, I was leaving my unfinished Computer Science degree to take up teaching. I have not looked back. Working in Education continues to bring so much joy to my life. Beginning at Launch last year and working with your children, in this community, with these staff fulfils my need to have purpose in my work and to contribute. I feel very fortunate to be the Principal of Launching Place PS.
Virtual Tour
See you around our place,
Laura Caddy