Principal Report

Our school is located on the land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. 

What did you do at school today? 

How many times have you asked your child this question and had a single word answer or no answer at all?

Wandering through some reading this week I found an article on Daniel Pink's Twitter feed. The article sets out many things you may already know but the bonus with this article was the sets of questions you can ask your children. 

I love 'how were you brave today?' and 'what was one thing that was challenging for you today?'. I wonder if we as adults could answer these two questions. ' Did you help anyone today?' Now there is a question for the whole family to explore and share. 'Did you do something kind for anyone today?' and 'what kind of person were you today?' also caught my eye. I might have to steal some of these to ask our students when they leave school in the afternoon. 

30 things to ask your kid beyond How was your day?

What kind of friend do you want to be? 

This week I have been reminded of the joy of friendship and how important it is to make decisions based on being respectful. As teachers and parents our role is to support our children learn how to make decisions which they can be proud of, decisions which take into account the needs of their friends. 

What does a good friend do?

How do you know this is true?

What doesn't a good friend do?

How do you know this to be true? 

The work we undertake with our students around the rights and responsibilities are the core of our work to support them to interact together inside and outside the classroom. 


This work is ongoing and we will be highlighting strategies with our students helping them to be a good friend. We will also build the capacity of our students to stand up for each other and notice when anyone needs help.

Have you seen the pathways? 

We were so excited to have our asphalt pathways finished this week. The entry up from Balwyn Road has been replaced, no more bumps and ruts. The driveway behind the Hall is also all fresh and new. 

This work was part of our Bottom Oval project and we are thrilled to have finally been able to replace the pathways. 

STEM activities

Have you seen the images on our Instagram feed of students using the STEM resources and experiencing STEM activities. Keep an eye out for more throughout the year. 


This challenge was to recreate a famous landmark, building it to scale. 


Mother's Day Dinner

Very exciting to see the Mother's Day Dinner invitation go out to everyone this week. 


You can find the information in COMPASS and book through COMPASS. 

Here is the link - Mother's Day Dinner


Cross Country 

Our whole school Cross Country is being held on Wednesday March 22nd. This exciting whole school event will require parent helpers. Keep an eye out for a call  for assistance coming from Phil Wickham our PE teacher. 

Welcome Back BBQ 

Look out in Compass for information about the Welcome Back BBQ. This event is being held after the Expos on March 31st. 

New Gates 

We are thrilled with our with our new gates on the Ruth St carpark. We are hoping this fixes lots of the rubbish dumping the school has experienced in the last 12 months. 


We are waiting for our couches to be taken away for recovering, we are hoping this will happen this week. 

Class Directory for 2023

The Class Directories have been sent out this week, thanks to everyone who filled in the form. 

Keep an eye out in COMPASS for the directories. 

BPPS Facebook and Instagram 

Don't forget to follow our social media accounts and see what is happening at school each day. Boroondara Park Primary School Facebook

Search @BoroondaraPark on Instagram to follow the school. 


Susanne Lowe
