School News and Information 

What's Happening This Week

Week 10 – 


Thursday 30 March - MGPS Cross Country 

Friday 31 March - Armidale PSSA Soccer trials 

Friday 31 March - Assembly Kindergarten 

Saturday 1 April – Armidale Autumn festival

What's Happening Next Week 

Week 11 – 

6 April -Stage 3 Thalgarrah

6 April -Easter Hat parade

5-6 April - PSSA State Swimming

School holidays – 7 -26 April. School resumes for students 26 April.



Kindergarten News

We have been reading a story called The Book With No Pictures. Initially when we asked the students if they thought The Book With No Pictures would be exciting or interesting, they thought it would be boring. They were wrong! We have had the most enjoyable time together! We explained that when reading books with no pictures, readers need to listen carefully to the author’s words. The way the words are written and spoken help readers to see or imagine pictures in their heads. This is also called visualising.

Sections of the book contained nonsense words. We highlighted how silly ideas and nonsense words, like ‘BLORK’, ‘BluuRF were used and explained that the author used nonsense words because they sounded funny and make the reader feel a certain way. The words ‘BLORK’ and ‘BluuRF’ are fun and have happy connotations.

Below are photos of students using play dough to create their own ‘BLORK’ or ‘BluuRF.’

In Maths lessons we have been developing the students knowledge, understanding and skills of representing numbers 0 to 10 and part-whole combinations up to 10. Students have been developing consistent numeral formation, they have been organising and representing collections up to 10 and identifying and representing part-whole combinations up to 10. We are working on instantly naming the number of objects within small collections (subitising) and recognising number patterns. 


Finally to celebrate Harmony Day last week, we made a collage that represents the diversity of our class. Students worked together to draw pictures of themselves for our classroom display. See if you can spot you child in the class collages! 

Enjoy your holidays and see everyone back on Wednesday 26th April when school returns.


Felicity Pennington, Ellie Barraclough and Kim See


Library/Technology News 

Wow almost the end of an action packed first term for 2023!  The library has been abuzz with activity with many students enjoying their lunchtimes in the library seeking a cooler or quite space where they can colour-in, use the laptops or have a chat with their friends! 

Stage Three science classes have been fascinating where we often walk away with more questions than answers as we further explore our universes and Earth’s Place in Space. Be sure to check out the NASA website which provides live tracking of all the planets, space stations and comets within our solar system.  This week the students acted out various claims about how the Sun, Earth and our Moon move/rotate in our solar system.  


All the students have been busy designing and coding their own computer game and we are now at the fun part where we can share our games and start playing!  Next term we will further develop our coding skills as we introduce micro:bit into our coding, stay tuned next term to find out how we will do this! 


Wishing everyone a safe and Happy Easter, 



Mrs Dunham 










This year our staff are celebrating the successes of our teachers each week.  In our staff room we have a "SHINE box" where teachers and other staff acknowledge each other and the contributions we are making at our amazing school.  Below are the names that were drawn out from the box last week.