Junior School

Athletics Carnival
The culmination of the Athletics Carnival happened last Friday at Central Reserve. The students all enjoyed participating in the track events and the long jump. It was wonderful to see the smiling faces and hear the positive support for all the participants.
The carnival was well supported by parents who came along to assist with the organisation and to cheer on the student athletes. Thank you to those who attended.
I have forwarded a link to you with pictures.
Final results and Age Champions
The Junior School Athletics Age Group Champions were:
- 8/9 Girls – Molly W
- 8/9 Boys – Ari D & Isaac K
- 10 Girls – Vania Y
- 10 Boys – Peter G
- 11 Girls – Cheng-Yun H
- 11 Boys – Kenneth Z
- 12 Girls – Katie B
- 12 Boys – Lachlan C
Lachlan C also broke a Junior School record for the Triple Jump!
The final House result was Ruthven (733) and Thomson (679)
Foundation - Year 6 Buddies
The Foundation students were very excited to connect with their Year 6 buddies this term.
They enjoyed getting to know each other and sharing some fun activities together.
Year 2 - School Captains
Year 2 students valuing connections activity with our School Captains.
Chamber Choir 2023
Our newly auditioned Chamber Choir had their first rehearsal on Monday. They are already putting their fabulous sound to good use, learning the Zulu words in their first song. Please note that Alex in Year 5 is missing from the photo below.
Recorder Ensemble 2023
Recorder Ensemble is open to all interested recorder players in Years 4 – 6 who can confidently play everything in the orange book. This year’s players have been having a wonderful time playing more challenging music in several parts, and learning Alto recorder in addition to the descant.
Coming up.....
Sports Fun Morning - Thursday 6 April
Students in Foundation to Year 2 will participate in a Sports Fun morning commencing at 9.30am in the Junior School Gym and/or Softfall area. This is always an action filled morning which includes a parents' sack race, so please remember to wear your runners. Parents and relatives spectators welcome.