Primary Music

Dorothy Lincoln

In the Classes

In recognition of Harmony Week, classes joined in singing  the song “Everyone Belongs”  which has a catchy chorus. Year One sang the greeting song “Hey Hello” which incorporates greetings in many  languages. Year 5 have been learning about bamboo dances and had fun trying the dance themselves. It takes concentration to dance through the moving bamboo sticks. They learned to play three melodic phrases together which again took quite some concentration. The drums and finger cymbals kept both the dancers and the musicians in time.



Year Five

Primary Music Groups: When and Where

GroupWhen & Where
Primary Choir

Wednesday mornings from 8.20am until 9.00am.  

Bus students who arrive after 8.30am are welcome to join when they arrive.

There is no cost. 

Year 6 Instrumental GroupFriday lunchtime

Primary String Group

Thursdays after school from 3.20pm until 4.20pm

There is no cost.

The Four-Five Instrumental GroupMonday lunchtime

If students would like to have one-on-one music tuition fill, please complete the registration form found on the College website or click on the button below.