Who's Who in the Primary?

Natasha Cormie

My love of children and teaching began with having my own children, to see them develop and grow into beautiful humans and knowing I could teach them and show them about the world, is inspiring and gives me passion for teaching other children the same.  I have worked as a Teacher's Assistant for many years and before that with Early Learning Centres.  

I have a great passion for children and their education, particularly the foundation years.  I also love to look at the child as a whole, and provide learning and teaching experiences in a holistic way, making connections and relationships to help support their learning journey. 

I am very much enjoying being part of the Mount Carmel family!


What is your favourite colour?

My favourite colour is Aqua/Blue


What is your favourite movie/song/book?

My favourite singer is Jack Botts and my favourite book.....well favourite books are all the cook books!


Are you a sweet tooth or a savoury person?

I am definitely a savoury person


How do you relax and unwind?

By doing yoga, meditation and taking beach walks.


When was the last time you smiled or had a big belly laugh?

Every day I have a good laugh and smile with  my own kids and my Kinder students.


What are you most looking forward to this year?

I am most looking forward this year to getting another year closer to my Teaching Degree!


What quote, line from a song or motto sums you up?

A quote..."whatever you are not changing, you are choosing".


Anything else you think you need to name up?

I love to bushwalk, snowboard, mountain bike, beach walks/swim and cook.