Student Success

2023 Middle School International Ethics Olympiad

L-R: Laura, Charlotte, Willa, Abigail and Tibby
L-R: Laura, Charlotte, Willa, Abigail and Tibby

Recently five students from Mount Carmel participated in the 2023 Middle School International Ethics Olympiad. Ethics Olympiads are competitive yet collaborative events in which students discuss real-life ethical issues.  In each heat of competition, teams take turns analyzing cases about complex ethical dilemmas and responding to questions and comments from the other team and from a panel of judges. An Ethics Olympiad differs from a Debate competition in that students are not assigned opposing views; rather, they defend the position they actually hold or think is reasonable, provide each other with constructive criticism, and win by demonstrating that they have thought rigorously and systematically about the cases and engaged respectfully and supportively with all participants. 


Finishing second in the Tasmanian event in late 2022 ensured an invitation along with forty other Colleges from seven countries and all Australian States and Territories.  The Mount Carmel College team consisted of Willa Johnston, Abigail Adams, both from Year Ten, and Laura Collinson, Charlotte Tribolet and Tibby Herzfeld from Year Nine.  Amongst the issues posed were the use of nuclear energy, bullying, Paralympic pay parity, friendship and citizenship status.  In an outstanding result and testament to the skills and talents of the girls they placed third amongst all schools and Colleges. 

Athletics Achievements

Lacey and Bailey
Lacey and Bailey

Congratulations to the following students who competed over the weekend in Launceston at the Athletics Tasmania Track and Field Championships, and have also qualified in the following events for the National Track and Field Championships in Brisbane from 13-19 April.   

Maighan ArnoldArielle CannellMiranda GillieLacey TilyardBailey Van Den Broek
U16 DiscusU16–20 DiscusU15 High Jump

U16/17 100m

U16 100m
U18 JavelinU16 -18 HammerU15 Long JumpU16–U20 400mU16 Heptathlon
 U16 Shot Put U16 200mU16 High Jump
   U16 High JumpU16 Javelin
    U16 Long Jump
    U16 Shot Put

Bailey Van Den Broek and Riley Bain have also been selected to represent Little Athletics Tasmania at the 2023 Coles Australian Little Athletics Championships, to be held 21 - 23 April at Lakeside Stadium, Melbourne.

Tennis Achievement

L-r: Zarah and Zerena
L-r: Zarah and Zerena

Sisters Zarah (Year 8) and Zerena (Year 7) Dutta-Nielsen recently took part in the Rafa Nadal Tour at Tennis World in Launceston, playing against many young players including few from interstate. It was fantastic event that focused on encouraging young tennis players to be inspired by the sport, learning humility, resilience, commitment and sportsmanship. They were also fotunate to meet Carlos Cuadrado who has played and trained with Rafa Nadal. Although Zarah and Zerena did not win their age group tournament, they are still certainly winners for having a go.  The winners get the opportunity to fly to Mallorca in Spain to be trained.