Sport News

Friday Afternoon Sport

We had a great start to our Friday Afternoon Sport last week for the year 5 and 6 students. The students started off in their house groups where they began the afternoon with some war cries. The students then broke off into their house and year level teams to begin some oztag training. The students did a great job working on the foundations of the game and getting to work with other students in their house. This week we will have round 2 of our training before beginning the competition in week 5.  


Interschool Tennis Tournament

Good luck to our two students Charlie and Jude who will be competing at the Annual Interschool Doubles Tennis Competition against schools from all around the Gold Coast. Good luck boys.  


Soccer X

Unfortunately  Soccer X will not be offered in term 1 but will be back up and running in term 4. Please keep a look out for information later this term about afterschool sport that will be offered next term.


Oceanic Swimming

Well done to our swimmers who competed at the Oceanic District Swimming carnival.  Please keep a look out in the next newsletter for the official results.   


Oceanic District Trials

This week we have had our basketball students trialling at school, to select our top players to go onto the district trials. Next week we will have our rugby league trials, please look out for a note coming home to give permission for your child to trial if they have nominated. They will require a mouthguard to trial. 

Week 5: Rugby League 

Week 6: AFL

Week 7: Netball/ Hockey

Week 8: Soccer 


Sporting Achievements

Congratulations to Blake who competed at the QLD Aquathon Titles and finished 10th overall in his age group which is a fantastic achievement well done to Blake.


Congratulations to Julian who competed at the South Coast trials on Tuesday and Wednesday this week well done Julian. 


Congratulations to Winnie who was selected in the Oceanic Touch team and will now compete at the South Coast Touch trials. Good luck. 


We also have a number of students competing at the State Nipper Titles. We wish you all the best of luck.   




Yours in fitness and health 

Tallebudgera HPE Team