Deputy Principal Report 

Rachael Anstee & Andrew Burgess

Active School Travel Launch

This year, the school is participating in the Gold Coast City Council’s Active School Travel program. We have done this to help with congestion around the school by students actively travelling to school on Fridays. ‘Get your Fit on Fridays’, encourages students to walk, ride, scooter, catch the bus or car pool to ease the traffic congestion which has been identified as a real problem. More information about Get Your Fit on Friday will be released next week. 

Next Friday, 24th February, we will be launching the program with students walking or riding to school from Eddie Kornhauser Park, Casuarina Drive (Lakewoods). Students who participate will then have a healthy breakfast provided by the Gold Coast City Council.  During the breakfast, Councillor Gail O’Neill will be opening the new bike racks (See flyer).



Pick Up Zone

Thank you to all our parents for their patience and common sense when using our school drop off and pick up zones. Again, we recommend if you have older students to pick them up from 3:15pm to ease congestion. We would like to strongly discourage parents picking up their students across the road from the Man on the Bike shops. When students use the pickup zone, they are supervised and kept safe, which is not the case at the shops.


Mobile Phones and iPads

Just a reminder to parents - if students bring their mobile phones to school they MUST hand them in by 9am to the office and pick them up at the end of the school day. Students who do not comply with this rule will be asked not to bring their phones to school. As part of the BYOD agreement (that parents and student sign), parents and students cannot exchange messages on their iPads or any other device during the day. Failure to comply will result in restricted use of devices at school. If parents want to communicate with children, please ring the school office.


District Swimming

Yesterday I had the pleasure of managing the school swimming team at district trials. I cannot congratulate our students enough for their efforts in the pool and their behaviour during the day. It’s always rewarding to see our students stand out amongst all the other schools in our district. 


Mrs Anstee and Mr Burgess

Deputy Principals