Principal's Report 

Zoe Harlow










Student Leader Badge Ceremony

Congratulations to all students who have been appointed to leadership roles this year!  We look forward to seeing them flourish in their positions of responsibility and contribution.

This year’s student leaders were formally announced at the Student Leader Badge Ceremony (06/2/23).  Special guests Laura Gerber MP - LNP Member for Currumbin and Principal Rochelle Lewis – Elanora High School presented certificates and name badges to student leaders.

 Curriculum Information – Meet the Teacher Session

Our recent Curriculum Information – Meet the Teacher Session was a lovely afternoon.  A new format allowed our families to access information about the year online and gave them the option to then visit to meet with the teachers and ask any questions they had.

A free sausage sizzle was an additional highlight, thanks to the YMCA team (i.e. our onsite out of school care service).


Prosperity Partners

I would like to thank this year's sponsors who have joined the P&C Prosperity Partners program:

Gold Sponsor:  PRD Burleigh (John Fischer and Shelley Watkins)

Silver Sponsor:  Nurse Next Door (Lauren Macdonald and Glen Parsons) and Crick Tweed – Subaru, Mitsubishi and Renault (Ryan and Jodi Harding)

Bronze Sponsor:  Black Mortgage Brokers (Ella Sanderson)

Thanks to the generosity of these important partners, our P&C are able to significantly enhance the events and project support each year.


2024 Prep Information Session and School Tour

This week, we held our Prep information session and school tours and it was a delight to spend some time with the parents and carers of our 2024 Preps.  Once enrolment paperwork is submitted, families will be invited to the important events that are offered to help prepare for the commencement of Prep in 2024.  The first event for children is in just over 2 weeks, so I ask parents and carers to please enrol your 2024 Prep children before then so they don’t miss out.


School Council Parent and Staff Representative Nominations

As an Independent Public School, we have a school council that plays an essential part in our work to improve student outcomes. 

“The functions of a school council are to:

  • monitor the school’s strategic direction;
  • approve plans and policies of the school of a strategic nature, or other documents affecting strategic matters including the annual estimate of revenue and expenditure for the school;
  • monitor the implementation of the plans, policies and other documents mentioned above; and advise the school’s principal about strategic matters.”

The membership of the school council includes two elected parent representatives (not to be confused with parent representatives for classes) and two elected staff representatives.  The duration of each member’s position on the school council is limited (except for the Principal and P&C President).  Due to this, three of our current members (one parent representative and two staff) will conclude their service on the council this year and nominations will be invited, followed by an election.

An email detailing the nomination and election process for the next parent representative on our school council will be emailed to parents and carers this afternoon. If you do not receive the information, please contact our office.

Staff representatives are elected by staff.  I will inform you of the outcome of those elections when they occur.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Kim Dorward (elected parent school council member), Luke Wharton (elected staff school council member and School Council Chair) and Jodi Sleaford (elected staff member) for their service to Tallebudgera State School.  Throughout their time on the school council, they have contributed significantly to the strategic direction and improvement initiatives of our school.



The NAPLAN (National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy) for Year 3 & 5 students will run throughout weeks 8 and 9 of Term 1.  Our approach is to encourage our students to complete NAPLAN in the same way as all other assessment, and that is with the emphasis being on trying their best. 

Information about NAPLAN has been provided to parents and carers of Year 3 and Year 5 students via ClassDojo. 


Active School Travel 

We are excited to be launching the Active School Travel program at our school, in partnership with the Gold Coast City Council.  Our Deputy Principal, Andrew Burgess, leads our Active School Travel committee and will provide additional information about it via ClassDojo. 



Zoe Harlow
