
Steve Annetta

The information provided through Compass School Manager can be used to initiate discussions about the progress of your child at Swinburne.


We suggest that you access the site weekly, as information is most valuable when accessed on a regular basis.


Your logon is unique to you and enables you to access and act on information including:


- Processing parent payments, including approving and paying for upcoming activities.

- View up-to-date class and school attendance information.

- Access progress reports. 

- Book parent/student/teacher conferences.

- Approve or enter upcoming or past absences.

- Download student reports.

- Update your registered email and mobile number (used for SMS alerts) details.

- Access information regarding school events and news.

- Order school photo packs.

- Order your child’s replacement/lost school ID card (Compass student identity card).


If have not yet received your Compass login details please contact the school.


SSSC Compass Portal: https://sssc-vic.compass.education


Steve Annetta

Network Manager