Leader of Pedagogy

Joel Guye

Tips to Reducing Stress in Year 11 and 12


The last two years of your schooling can be an enjoyable time, but also a very stressful time.  It is extremely important that students try to create a balance between their school and personal lives. While we believe that each student must consistently work to improve their skills in their studies, their physical and mental health are just as important. The following are some tips to reduce stress throughout 2023.


Managing your stress levels:

  1. Take advantage of the opportunities provided during your school days (study periods and Wednesdays) to complete work and chip away at your studies.
  2. Try to get ahead with your studies by looking at the course outline of what is coming up next.
  3. Complete tasks given to you by your teachers at the soonest possible time after that particular class.
  4. Put in time to look up past examinations for your subjects and test yourself on one question a week.
  5. Take regular breaks when you study (approximately every hour).
  6. Do things that you enjoy and set aside time for yourself each week.
  7. Go for a walk and/or do some regular exercise (put this into your weekly timetable).
  8. Get plenty of sleep each night (aim for 8-9 hours per evening).
  9. Adopt a well-balanced diet.
  10. Talk to people about any concerns or worries you have.
  11. Set clear goals for yourself each week and reflect on how you went about achieving them at the end of each week.
  12. Think positively and view set-backs as opportunities to learn and improve.
  13. Accept the fact that you will have to do some things that you won’t necessarily “enjoy”.
  14. Be flexible and adapt to sudden changes in your routine.
  15. Make sure you take time to laugh.


Joel Guye 

Leader of Pedagogy