Dear Year 5 Families

Wominjeka Year 5 Families,
First term is certainly flying by and we are over the halfway point now. Students in Year 5 have been very busy settling into routines, expectations and building themselves as learners.
Sport – The Year 5s participate in Sport every Thursday morning for 2 sessions. This term the students are exploring Hockey, Tennis, Teeball, Cricket, Basketball and Dance. Sport provides students with many opportunities including the chance to interact with other Year 5 teachers, practise skills and teamwork, and demonstrate sportsmanship. It has been fantastic to see the students trying new sports and challenging themselves.
Learning Goals - Your child’s individualised learning goals are currently listed on Compass for you to review. There is a Reading goal, a Maths goal, a Writing goal and a Dispositions (Inquiry or SEL) goal for your child. Please read these and support your child by going through the suggested strategies to help at home. These goals are changed every five weeks (twice a term), and you will also be informed of your child’s achievement of these goals.
NAPLAN – During Weeks 7 and 8 your child will complete NAPLAN testing. It is important to note that during these weeks your child may feel anxious or unsure. Please assist us with encouraging your child to try their best and that it is important to remember that NAPLAN is just one test and that is doesn’t measure many qualities we look for in learners.
Your child will need to ensure they are bringing their laptop to school each day, fully charged and with headphones so that they can complete the testing. If your child misses a test, there are catch up days scheduled throughout Week 7 and 8.
The schedule for testing is:
Wednesday 15th March at 9am – Writing
Thursday 16th March at 9am – Reading
Monday 20th March at 9am – Language Conventions
Wednesday 22nd March at 9am – Numeracy
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out via Compass to your child’s teacher.
Thank you,
The Year 5 Team