
The term seems to be going by so quickly. It won’t be long until the Easter break. The days are packed with activity, and it has been pleasing to see the children working to exemplify the school values in the classroom and the playground.
In our whole school assemblies, we have been focussing on how to behave at DCC. We have worked with the children to identify how we hang here at DCC at our whole school assembly. At the sub-school assemblies and then in individual classes, the children have unpacked exactly what that looks like for them. At out last assembly we looked at the power of words. Is it ok to tease and then say it was a joke? Are we creating a safe environment if we tease others? Why do we tease others? Are there other ways to express ourselves? Again, the classes are unpacking particular situations pertinent to them and identifying the types of behaviour that we would like to see at DCC.
This week NAPLAN testing has started in Years 3,5 and 7. The students have been practicing using devices over the past couple of weeks. We know that NAPLAN captures student performance on one day and we use this information with others such as PAT testing and work samples to make decisions about student progress. Last year, we improved in all areas of NAPLAN except one. Our results were all close to, at or above similar schools and the state. Our biggest improvement was in reading and our strongest results in spelling. Our year 3 results last year were very strong and were a testament to our school’s hard work as this group of students had mostly attended DCC for their whole schooling- this was the first set of students who were purely home grown DCC students. .
Colour Run
What an amazing day! The students and teachers alike enjoyed the colour run experience. We could not have done this without our fantastic DCC parent volunteers. They were invaluable. To date, we have raised just under $10000. This will go towards building our giraffe shed over the multi-courts.
Cultural Diversity Week
This week is Cultural Diversity Week. Between the 11-21st of March, teachers will be celebrating the cultural diversity within classrooms to allow students to share their knowledge and pride about their own culture.
Year 4 Move
Our latest relocatable has now been handed over. As a result, 4C and 4D are moving into their new classrooms. This will allow more space for our specialist classes back in Bulen Bulen.
CRT Shortage
There is a considerable teacher shortage which places stress on all schools but particularly in Wyndham, where there is the largest shortage of teachers in the state. We are working very hard to attract both permanent and casual relief teachers, but it is proving difficult. Please be aware that much of the time, we will split classes amongst their year level as this way the students receive the program that the teachers have planned. This is how we can best cater for our students and their needs.
Parent Information Nights
On Monday 20th of March we are running a parent information night for the parents of students in P-4 in the gym at 6pm. This session will give parents strategies to support their child to be a happy, engaged student at school. We will outline what students need, how the school supports this development and how parents can help as well.
The following week, Tuesday 28th March, there will be a parent information session for those parents of students in Years 5-8 about how to be socially appropriate and safe within the online world. This is a must for all parents as it is a world that many parents are not familiar with and in order to support their child need to know how to help them and keep them safe.
Students received their goals in reading, writing and number last week on Compass. There are also personal goals that have been set for the students. Whilst homework isn’t set up formally beyond reading and using the apps the students have available like Reading Eggs, Wushka and Mathletics, we encourage you to have your child work on the goals that have been set by their teacher. These goals are individualised to help your child progress and further develop in each area of the curriculum. Please discuss these goals with your child so they can make the effort to work on achieving them in the coming weeks.
Parent Afternoon Tea
On Tuesday 14th of March, the PCO team consisting of myself, Malinda, Brianna and Jess met with parents who wanted to ask questions or clarify information. We had tea and scones and were able to chat in an informal manner. It was fantastic to receive feedback form families and to be able to assist them with their enquiries. We plan to have another next term, please come along if you would like to chat with us.
Celebrations of Learning
We hold Celebrations of Learning at the end of each term so the students can showcase some of their work with you and talk about the growth they have made throughout the term.Below are the days and times the students will be holding their Celebrations of Learning. They will be held in their classrooms. Please note the date and put them in your diaries. It is a wonderful opportunity for the students to take some real ownership of their learning; to share their strengths and weaknesses and for you both to set some goals together. All sessions run from 2.30-3.00pm in the students' classrooms. Thursday 30th March- Year 5 and Year 2Friday 31st March- Year 7 and Year 8 Monday April 3rd- Year 6 and Year 3Tuesday April 4th- Year 4 and Year 1Wednesday April 5th- Preps
We hope to see you at the Celebrations of Learning at the end of term.