What's Happening at CHPS

School Photos - Friday, March 3rd

Our school photographers, Schoolpix will be taking school photos on Friday, March 3rd.  All families should have had an order form and instructions sent home last week.  These contain a unique order code for each student, which needs to be quoted when ordering online.  Please see the Office if you have any questions.

Please ensure students are wearing correct school uniform for photo day.  Sibling photos will only be taken if pre-ordered online.


Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund / CSEF

CSEF is available to parents who hold a valid Centrelink or Healthcare card and provides $125 per student (paid to the school) to use for payment for camps, incursions & excursions, sporting activities and other eligible school-based events.

Families who received CSEF in 2022 and whose card is still valid, will automatically roll into 2023, with any additional new siblings added.

New eligible parents should fill in an application form and return to the Office by February 24th.


From Sophie in Sickbay

Parents, please be aware that there are a number of viruses and gastric woes circulating in the school at present and we are having an increasing number of students presenting to Sickbay with nausea, headaches, persistent coughs and congestion.

If your child is unwell, please keep them home to prevent the spread of germs to their classmates and friends.

If a child has gastro (vomiting or diarrhoea), they are excluded from classes for 24 hours after the last episode.

Sophie Turnham  -  First Aid Officer