Visual Arts

The new Primary Art room is operational and being enjoyed most periods, heavily timetabled with back-to-back classes. My creative team worked hard to set the space up once access was granted. It welcomed inquisitive, excited, creative minds who christened the space with their smiles and energy.
Below are some shots of the space in action. We are blessed to have a large screen in the ‘gallery’ area that can be integrated into lessons, running parallel to the newly appointed and purpose-built room. It is currently a ‘blank canvas’ that will be transformed by displays over the coming months.
Colourful labels were created for material tubs using a piece of student art, with new ideas and possibilities for the space coming to light every day. We will soon be able to access the outside area, yet another learning space for classes to use and enjoy. I am very proud of the multipurpose sinks, fitted with a roll out step underneath, to service the smallest of Preps to the tallest Year 6s. This design initiative is an example of co-operative planning and consultation.
I’d like to thank Ms Clare Fisher for her flexibility and continued delivery of a vigorous arts program despite difficult circumstances in 2022. While disappointing not to have been in our new space for the first week of term, it has certainly been worth the wait. I look forward to seeing what the Primary team deliver, now messy and tactile experiences are again possible. We welcome Mrs Anna Pietrolungo to the Visual Arts department, teaching Prep, Year 1, 4, 5 and 6.
The 2023 exhibition schedule is currently under review. It is hoped we will be able to share student achievements with the College community in a variety of ways. As advised last year, the old ‘whole school exhibition’ is a thing of the past - a result of growing numbers and limited space. Keep an eye out in newsletters and the bulletin for new initiatives.
Parent helpers in the Art Department have been added to the list of volunteer services so please offer your time if you have it and energy to spare.
Mrs Linda Camilleri
Head of faculty - Visual Arts