Chaplain's Corner

The earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, cyclones in New Zealand and tornados in the US have been a devasting start to 2023. It’s hard to imagine such damage and loss of life. There are also thousands in Australia still recovering from floods and bushfires which can take many years. It might all seem a bit overwhelming but I also hear the stories of generosity and service by those in our community who reach out and support those in need. Indeed our students are raising money for Turkey/Syria via the UNHCR at the upcoming Performing Arts Captains Concert in March.
In the Christian calendar we have just celebrated Shrove/Pancake Tuesday (21 Feb) and Ash Wednesday (22 Feb) as the beginning of Lent. That is the 40 days (excluding Sundays) of penitence, prayer, fasting and almsgiving until Easter Sunday.
At last week's Chapel service I talked with students about these special days and the season of Lent. We heard scripture readings from Matthew in which we have heard God declare: “This is my own dear Son, in whom I am well pleased”. The gospel writer, Matthew, is making it clear that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus continually tells the disciples to not fear but to walk with Jesus in love and peace. So whilst many trials and temptations might come our way (including natural disasters), Jesus will be with us and love us unconditionally.
Aitken Community Picnic and Games
Please note the change of date to Feb 28!
All families and staff are invited to our upcoming Community Picnic and Games
BYO picnic and rug
Rev. Gavin Blakemore