News from Christine Cross

Director of Mission

Ash Wednesday 

Ash Wednesday, which we observed this week, is the first day of Lent. This season will last up to Easter and is a time when we are conscious that we are not perfect and we try to become better people. 


Each homeroom teacher led their class in a liturgy to start the day, and students in each class could participate as readers as well.  

During the 40 days of Lent we are invited to reflect on our relationship with God and with others. We do this in four ways: prayer, fasting, almsgiving and good works.


Prayer is what we are doing as a community now. During Lent you can also spend time in the chapel, praying alone, or joining community prayer times like Marist prayer, student-led prayer and the Friday liturgy. You can fast from foods such as chocolate or meat, or you can fast from selfishness and feast on sharing hope and compassion. During Lent we will be asked to donate towards those less fortunate through Marist Solidarity, our MAPS Appeal. This is your almsgiving; however, you can also give of yourself in your families and local communities. During Lent we should reflect on God’s love for us by being people of action and showing love for others.


Signing the Pledge

The prefects of 2023 have signed the pledge they wrote on Leadership Day, and it will proudly hang on the wall in our student meeting room. It is a constant reminder of the leadership promise they have made to the College, and it will be a wonderful text for us to refer to as we journey through the year. They recited this together at the Commencement Mass. 

As the prefects of the class of 2023, we pledge ourselves to:
Work together in the service of this college as honourably as we can
from the faintest to the most brazen voices in the College chorus.
We pledge to amplify and unite our voices as one, as St Augustine’s.
We will foster our strength, drawn from the power of our brotherhood, one sown deep within our college culture, and together we will be a collective strong in mind, but gentle in heart.
We are different people, from different backgrounds, yet we are united by our vision; we pledge to honour our goals and vision for the College in 2023, to become solidified as foundations for our successors.
This duty we bear, is not one we bear lightly, nor misguided by pride; we take this role as a challenge to serve, to guide others down the path we have been guided to. Having weighed everything before God solely for the greater glory of God and the honour of Mary.


Rosies has had a flying start for the year, and the Year 12 volunteers have been very generous with their time for this. This a much needed charity that needs our support. Thank you for getting behind this. 

Student-Led Prayer

Chaz has started leading prayer on Thursday mornings. It has been well attended, and the theme of "Created and Called" is proving to be thought provoking! 

Year 12 Retreat

The Year 12s went on a three-day retreat to Genazzano. It was a transformative experience for most who said that this gave them reflective time to focus on what they want to achieve on a personal level this year, time to consolidate friendships and build new connections. Here are some of the comments:


The retreat was something I needed and something that has really helped me. 
I really enjoyed it and it helpful to spend time thinking about the person I want to become in life. 
It was great! Everything went to plan I had a fun three days with friends and teachers. 
The retreat allowed me to get to know some lads I didn’t know well, and I learnt a lot about myself. 
It was enjoyable and it was a learning curve for me. 
Participation from not only students but staff was amazing! 


A short video and all the retreat photos are on the Parent Portal.