Endeavour House News

This is my first Buzz article and I’d like to start with a huge thank you to all the families I have met over the last four weeks. Getting to know parents, nanas, pops, aunties, uncles, siblings, friends (and even a pet dog!) is quickly becoming one of the most enjoyable aspects of my job. It especially helps me understand the context in which the Endeavour girls are coming from, so thank you for your time and conversation thus far.  


It has been so lovely to see boarders supporting boarders during the first half of this term. There has been a wide range of emotions and feelings, including moments of happiness, apprehension, joy, homesickness and laughter – the list goes on. It has been a busy time for everyone and we are starting to settle into our routines. I spent some time at the Swimming Carnival last Friday and looking around at the various House groups, it was apparent to me how boarders gravitate to each other. They have a common bond, living the boarding life, and it is so nice to see those friendships being fostered in the school environment, as well as in our boarding village. There is an unmistakable culture of kindness in this place, myself and the other staff are working hard to encourage, protect and strengthen that. 


All the Endeavour girls have impressed me with their willingness to open up and discuss house-related issues, that impact on their boarding lives. For example, friendship challenges, phone access times and the prep routine. In addition to my roll call/group meetings twice daily, I have met with all of the year groups separately to check in and address any ‘hot spot’ issues. On all occasions, I have met with girls who are respectful, good communicators, sincere and sensitive. I would like to take this opportunity to thank and acknowledge Mrs Tara Ball, along with past and present boarding staff who have clearly worked hard to develop this positive language and culture within the house. 

My wholehearted congratulations to the girls who put their hands up for student Leadership in Endeavour House in 2023. As I said to the girls recently; writing and talking about oneself, in a formal manner, is possibly one of the most challenging things that you can do, and they all did a magnificent job. Whether they are selected as the leader or not, the nominees should be very proud of themselves. Leadership is to be announced next week, when the Year Nine students return from camp. 


A couple of new additions to the house include the ‘ribbon station’, which came in very handy for the carnival, a huge box of Lego, nail polish (toes only!) and arriving soon – two new hammocks to kick start our outdoor hangout/relax area, near the rec shed. On that note, work in the shed is progressing, we have nearly finished the ‘sort out’ stage and the grass is starting to recover, after the warm summer. I am encouraging the girls to get involved – it is their space to make their own and to help look after. The improvements are possible due to the respect shown by the girls for school property and their understanding of the behavioural expectations around this space. 

In closing, I’d like to remind the girls to be kind to themselves and to put themselves at the centre of their wellbeing. Giving and receiving help will allow them to grow and connect with those around them. I’d like to encourage them to take a moment each day to check in with themselves and reflect on their achievements, no matter how big or small. Each day I see the girls working so hard to make their families and friends proud, I have the utmost respect for their commitment to being their best self. I feel privileged and honoured to spend time with your girls, who make me laugh and ponder (!) every single day. Thank you and please contact me, if you need. 


Mrs Nyree Mackenzie | Head of Endeavour House