Student of the Week

Please note these awards will be presented at assembly on Friday 3rd Feb 

00ANomination 1: Lewis M, for showing great enthusiasm and excitement when learning our very first phonogram! I love your willingness to give everything a go! Keep it up Lewis! 
Nomination 2: Katie, for being such a kind and caring member of our classroom. We love your willingness to help others and your ability to demonstrate our school values! Great work Katie! 
00BNomination 1: Nadia for being a wonderful learner by keenly participating in learning our very first phonogram. Nadia was even confident enough to get up and say the three sounds of ‘o’ in front of the class! You’re amazing Nadia!
Nomination 2: Judah, for always taking pride in his work. I love the care you take when adding small details to your drawings. Judah even drew the Great Ryrie logo on his t-shirt when drawing himself. What an awesome learner you are Judah!
00CNomination 1: Nima, for always being helpful to his classmates and being a good learner at all times. Keep up the awesome work Nima!
Nomination 2: Saanvi, for always being such an amazing learner. You always complete your work quietly and colour in beautifully. Well done Saanvi!
00DNomination 1: Noah, for demonstrating what it means to be a great learner by always listening carefully, following instructions, completing tasks and trying his best. Well done Noah! 
Nomination 2: Madeline, for demonstrating our school values of respect and responsibility by keeping our classroom clean and tidy! What a fabulous helper you are Maddy! 
00ENomination 1: Lola, for consistently showing respectful and focused listening when we are on the floor. Well done, Lola!
Nomination 2: Calvin, for your enthusiastic attitude to learning phonograms! What a wonderful learner you are, Calvin!



Nomination 1: Khloe, for always offering to help your classmates. Your friends appreciate your kindness.
Nomination 2: Lea, for facing the speaker during our phonogram review. You are always demonstrating what a respectful, responsible learner is.
1BNomination 1: Joseph, for staying so focused during our learning tasks. You are always willing to have a go and share your ideas.I am so proud of you. Keep up the brilliant work! 
Nomination 2: Luna, for a brilliant start to the school year. You are respectful, responsible and an excellent  learner, as you aim for your best in everything you do. I love hearing your ideas in our class discussions. I am so proud of you. Keep up the fantastic work! 
1CNomination 1: Jimmy, for a great start to the year. It has been fantastic to see your positive attitude towards all activities. Keep up the great work! 
Nomination 2: Charlotte, for ‘getting her brave on’ this week. It has been wonderful to see you settling into grade 1 and giving everything your best go. Miss Milner is so proud of you. 
1DNomination 1:  Lily D, for her effort to join in class discussions and Getting To Know You activities.  It is so nice to have you in 1D! 
Nomination 2:  Heki, for taking such care with his Written Phonogram Reviews and for having fun dancing in our breaks!
2ANomination 1: Lottie, for being elected our Green Team Representative for 2023. We are looking forward to you taking our ideas to Green Team.
Nomination 2: Millie, for being elected our JSC representative for 2023. Already you are showing your dedication to the role by asking for and  taking our ideas to JSC. Thank you!
2BNomination 1:  Kaylee H, for being elected our Green team Representative for 2023. I am sure you will be an inspiration to all our class.

Nomination 2: James M, for being elected our class JSC representative for 2023. I am sure you will bring information and ideas to the role this year.


2CNomination 1: Solomon, for excellent work making his writing clear, detailed and interesting.
Nomination 2: Mio F, for showing wonderful responsibility and initiative in teaching classmates how to weave paper.
3ANomination 1: David, for an excellent letter written to Mrs Wells and Mrs Watson telling us all about you. 
Nomination 2: Ollie, for helping people in class finish their work and help them pack up at the end of the day if they are running behind.  
3BNomination 1: Felix, for being such a kind friend and helping Theordore with his broken arm all week at school.
Nomination 2: Yvette, for working so hard to focus on raising her hand before sharing during learning time. What a wonderful, respectful learner you are!
4ANomination 1: Alia, for being a kind and caring  friend to all in the classroom and showing our school values. Fantastic job!
Nomination 2: Mazzy, for always working hard and not giving up in your learning. Keep up the fantastic work!
4BNomination 1: Aiden, for consistently making good choices and always being respectful and kind. Your classmates and teachers can look to you as an excellent role model. Well done!
Nomination 2: Logan, for always finishing his work to an exceptional standard. You show such determination to achieve your personal best. Keep it up!
4CNomination 1: Lachlan,  for being a great and supportive friend when your mate was feeling unwell. You displayed responsibility and kindness in a tough situation. Well done!
Nomination 2: Aubrey, for showing bravery when doing your JSC speech. Your commitment and courage were amazing! Well done.
5ANomination 1: Josh, for being a responsible learner and assisting his peers with their learning. Well done!
Nomination 2: Zoe W, for being a fantastic learner and  working hard on upleveling her persuasive. Keep up the great work! 
5BNomination 1: Oriana L, for being an outstanding contributor to our class and being willing to share her work and thoughtsThis was highlighted by your amazing JSC speech.
Nomination 2: Max Y, for his wonderful persuasive writing. Your writer’s voice shines through and your pieces contain so many carefully chosen persuasive techniques. 
5CNomination 1: Esther, for your amazingly creative rice fantasy island. 
Nomination 2: Finnian H, for beginning the year with a positive attitude and writing great silly sentences in grammar practice.
6ANomination 1: Tuang Tuang, for his positive attitude towards tasks and being a motivated learner.
Nomination 2:  Stevie, for sharing answers and contributing to learning discussions.
6BNomination 1: Archie K, for his creativity in the way he displayed his identity shield. It showed all parts of your identity in the most creative way. Well done Archie!
Nomination 2: Sienna S, for your enthusiasm in class and for doing a great job contributing to class discussions. Keep up the great work.
6CNomination 1: Bawi Hu, for using your character strength of honesty to learn from your mistakes and move forward in a positive direction. 
Nomination 2: Samuel H, for approaching all his classroom tasks with diligence and enthusiasm and working always to a high standard



Nomination 1: Dominic J (5B) - for showing the never give up spirit when learning Indonesian! Bagus sekali!

Nomination 2: Grace B (6C) - for consistently paying 100% attention during Indonesian. Keep it up, Grace!

Claudia B (6C) - For always showing active participation in Indonesian. Well done, Claudia.


Nomination 1: Lola - 6B (Mrs Welsh’s group)

For bringing a wonderful attitude to our reading group and completing and completing all tasks to the best of her ability!

Nomination 2: David 2A for your positive attitude to your learning and for being such a kind and helpful member of our EAL group! Keep it up David!
Performing Arts Nomination 1: Edith M 00E, for approaching every learning task with a positive attitude. Your singing and dancing is amazing. What an amazing learner you are!
Nomination 2: Jack F 00E, for approaching every learning task with a positive attitude. Your singing and dancing is amazing. What an amazing learner you are!



Nomination 1: Emma L (5B) for making such a great start to your art classes. You are very respectful and a great learner. Well done!
Nomination 2:
Physical Education Nomination 1: Oriana L - for her excellent skills in Softcross and playing in with the right spirit.
Nomination 2: Miles E - for successfully completing the obstacle course so many times, especially on such a hot day!!
Science and TechnologyNomination 1: Ryan T, for successfully gaining your Digital License
Nomination 2: Austin P, for always thanking me for my wonderful lesson. You fill my bucket every week!