Expanding the classroom

what our students have been doing in class and out in the field

Year 10 Aquatic Fieldwork

Jock Marshall Reserve


The Year 10 Aquatic Fieldwork class visited the Jock Marshall Reserve, located on the Monash University Clayton campus, to analyse and assess the abiotic and biotic indicators of water system health from samples collected there. 


Students used nets to sweep the JMR lake and microscopes to identify the animals collected, including aquatic invertebrates and vertebrates. They also collected water samples for chemical analysis. It was great to be back onsite on the JMR after several years. 


The class would like to thank Dr Callum Vidor (Monash University) and Dr James Driscoll (JMSS) for organising the visit.


VCE Extended Investigation 

Top Talks workshop


Four students in the VCE Extended Investigation class recently attended the Top Talks workshop in the State Library Victoria. 


They saw four excellent talks given by last year's high-achieving students who were selected from schools across the state. The investigative topics of the student talks ranged across a number of subjects. They were:

  • Microplastics in groundwater
  • The relationship between media multitasking and executive functions
  • What are the risks and returns of Memecoins?
  • What influenced the ambiguous depictions of men in Renaissance portraiture?

 Videos of the Top Talks 2023 event will be available on the VCAA website later in semester 1.


VCE Biology 

Photosynthesis Prac

Central Dogma Prac

Year 10 Disease and Disorders Class


Monash BDI Ulnar Nerve prac



Plasticine modelling of neurons

Dr Yan Wong's talk on neural prosthetics

SCI Tests

Microscope prac


Yr 11s on PD Day