School Captains Address

Alexia Arta 

Caitlin Carpenter

Michael Cotugno

Cameron McCutcheon

Hey everyone! 


We did so well in 2022, but 2023 is set to be a record-winning year. Here’s what we got to look forward to: the new Diploma point system, International Women’s Week, World’s Greatest Shave (with 20+ participants!!), NAIDOC week, presentation nights, movie nights, formals, interschool sports, house events, and so much more! 


We have had some tough years and we totally understand that we are still recovering, emotions are fluctuating, and things may not be going your way. It can be hard to look into the future to see the positives and uphold balance in the dimensions of health and well-being. But the one thing that can help you find a way is resilience, something the school likes to talk about from time to time. Resilience is taking a leap into the culture of John Monash, resilience is underperforming on your tests but finding value in it as a learning opportunity, resilience is the teachers during lockdown (no explanation needed), resilience is still reaching out when things go south because you never gave up. You would have heard this term a lot these past few years and it will continue to hold true because resilience is what keeps us together and achieving despite anything that happens to us. In fact, us sticking together is what upholds our resilience as well.


To our Year 10s, this year is the year to embrace everything the school has to offer. There is so much value to find and so much value to give, so don’t be afraid to jump straight in! Sometimes it’s worth making decisions before you know that you’re ready to take them on. The learning that happens from there is unmatched, as you’ll be out of your comfort zone in areas you’ve never seen before, with things like work experience, olympiads, or leadership opportunities.


Year 11s, as VCE ramps up it’s important to set the right habits for the future. Stress and anxiety will be at your door later (and some may feel it now), so finding what keeps you sane amidst the busyness is really valuable. Mr Chisholm loves the analogy of the two laps of an 800m race - do something sustainable now so you’re set for the future, but also take it easy a bit and keep an eye out for everything from scholarship opportunities to fun events like formal!


Year 12s. Good luck for the year! Now is the time to use everything you’ve learnt at JMSS, in class and out. But no matter what, you are the first priority. Although what’s ahead is among the most important things you’ve ever done, it pales in comparison to the opportunities you’ll have from there. It’s more important to continue engaging in everything that brings you joy as well as balancing study times. All the best to our Year 12s!


Because Taylor Swift said, “everything you lose is a step you take. So make the friendship bracelet. Take the moment and taste it. You’ve got no reason to be afraid.” 


Let’s enjoy 2023 and make the best of it!



Lots of love,


Alexia Arta

Caitlin Carpenter

Michael Cotugno

Cameron McCutcheon

(Your 2023 School Captains)


Weekly Bulletin


The School Captains and JMSS Noticeboard Committee now create a weekly bulletin to keep staff and students aware of important events during the week. Keep an eye out for these emails and displayed on screens across school.