Message from the 

Director of Boarding

Mr Matt Curran

To suggest that 2020 is no ordinary school year is an understatement. The Coronavirus pandemic has disrupted all facets of society; locally, regionally and globally, and the challenges for boarding schools have been considerable. In this context, Kinross Wolaroi has been no different. 


Despite the many changes to our boarding program imposed on us by NSW Health guidelines, our boarders persevered with incredible resilience and community spirit. When many of our boarders returned from lockdown during May, their joy at being back at school and in the boarding houses with their friends was clearly evident. Each had their own unique story of what ‘lockdown’ was like and it was insightful and delightful to listen. For many boarders, there were challenges with technology, access to the internet, data usage and various others. 


For many boarders, the lack of face-to-face contact with their friends made life tough for a short period of time. Some students found online learning much easier while some found the lack of personal contact very troubling. I am sure that many boarding families found the extra pair/s of hands quite useful and it would have been tough to see student’s go back to school. What is clear, however, is that each family’s COVID experience has been unique and cannot simply be summed up in a short piece of writing such as this.


As a community, we are often defined by the way in which our senior students carry themselves and thus I couldn’t be prouder of the contribution by our Boarding Prefects, Captains and Vice-Captains. Lucy Aveyard and Will Byrnes could never have guessed what the year was to bring but in all their duties as Prefects, they have done a wonderful job. Their appetite for continual improvement in the boarding program was pleasing to see and their advocacy for boarders and the boarding program was a clear demonstration of their suitability for the role. 


I would like to extend my thanks to the House Captains and Vice Captains as they were tasked with leading their respective communities. Thanks to Bridget Longley and Edwina Reilly (Loader), Ally Bermingham and Jessica Jones (New), Jetta Kennett (Stuart-Douglas), Phoebe Lamph and Sarah Chamberlain (Miller), Ethan Mulholland and Will Luelf (Wolaroi), Tom Richardson and Alex Brien (Weymouth), Hamish Donnelly and Tyrese Carr-White (Tower) and Lochlan Birchall and Henry Williams (Trathen). They have set a clear benchmark for the next cohort of boarding leaders and I wish the following students all the best for 2021; Jin Luechai and Jemma Luelf (Boarding Prefects), Fletcher Doyle and Duncan Job (Weymouth), James Kildey and Hugo Skene (Wolaroi), Sam Durkin (Tower), Patrick Hickman and Will Crawford (Trathen), Lara O’Brien and Katie Tink (Stuart-Douglas), Millie Mitchell and Claudia St Clair (Miller), Lucy Dedman and Georgia Rackham (Loader) and Bella Scammell and Addy Smith (New).


It has been a challenging year for Heads of House who faced the task of creating a new boarding experience from scratch; a task they faced with purpose and determination. A special mention must go to James Perrin, Hugo Johnson and Sophie Fardell for completing their first year in charge with such adaptability and open-mindedness. I am excited that the combination of these new faces alongside our more experienced staff will continue to mean that our boarding community continues to grow and flourish. 


As I look to the future, I feel strongly that Boarding at KWS is in a strong position. We are constantly striving to improve; improve processes, facilities, opportunities, pastoral care, weekend activities, and to create opportunities for students to grow and develop personally.


It has been a pleasure to serve as the Director of Boarding at Kinross Wolaroi for the past three years. We have made significant progress in that time and I am certain that under the new boarding leadership model, the respective needs of our boys and girls will be front and centre and our boarding community will continue to flourish. I wish you all a peaceful and restful Christmas and every happiness and success for 2021 and beyond.


Mr Matt Curran 

Director of Boarding