Library News

The library staff warmly welcome our new and returning students and their families to the McCarthy Library 2021. 

We are looking forward to 2021 and focusing on the joy of reading and imagining.  In the words of author and imagination advocate Neil Gaiman:


“May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books … and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.”

Library Tours

Over the next few weeks our new Year 7 students will be touring our Library and learning about the resources available in the Library and from the Homepage: World Book Online, ClickView, SORA and links to trustworthy resources. All students at McCarthy will enjoy the benefits of resources accessible from the online Library as well as our collection.  We have literally thousands of curriculum relevant resources and relaxing reading material available for students to borrow. 


New Books & Quick Reads


2020 Word of the Year

At the end of the year, the Macquarie Dictionary looked back over the words that become popular during the year.  The Macquarie dictionary publisher shortlisted and chose the “word of the year.” In 2020, due to the dominance of the pandemic, there were two words.  One winner focused on the pandemic and the other winner focused on non-pandemic life.  Our display celebrates the words voted 2020 words of the year. 


The chosen pandemic word of the year was “Rona.”  According the Committee “Rona” was new and topical and it demonstrated the way Australians adapt language.  The Committee said:


 “It’s neat, it’s quintessentially 2020, and it’s a typical Australian formation.”

The Committee’s overall Word of the Year was one that worked for bushfires, the US election and the virus: the choice was “Doomscrolling.”  The Committee said, “Doomscrolling is a neat construction, and gives a nod to our modern-day addiction to our digital devices.”


Wishing our students all the best over the next month as they settle in to the McCarthy Learning routines and environment. 


Ms Libby Laird - Teacher Librarian