sprout & oshc 


Monday is the whole school fun day so there will be no lunch orders or Take Home Meals due to the BBQ. For the rest of the week we will be offering sandwiches only as we wind down the canteen. Recess and snacks will still be available, but no specials. The Take Home Meal on Tuesday will be Potato and Pea Curry. 

As we finish up at 1.30 on Friday there will be no lunches offered. 


With thanks!




Wominjeka Everyone, 

WOW!!! One more week to go and we can wrap 2020!

What a year! We have faced lots of challenges and issues no doubts! – But 2020 taught us a lot as well! Just to name few: finding solutions, thinking outside of the box, being resilient and embracing relationships!

It was an interesting year but we are so ready to move on!



As you are aware, we are rolling out a new digital sign in/out system called QK office/ Xplor.

We are going now to go live with the new system on Monday the 14th of December. Please make sure that you have created an account and a password.

If you have any issues please contact Bernadetta ASAP>





We are moving to a new Digital Attendance system which will replace our current sign in / out functionality. It will be a similar system to the kiosk that is utilised in the Sign in/out area (currently at MPR glass door – due to COVID) allowing you to sign in and out your children contactless with a QR Code scanner from your phone, or using a phone number and PIN code 



  1. Last week you were  invited via email to set up your account for the Digital Attendance system. Please keep an eye out for this email and create your password
  2. Once you have set up your account online, please download the parent app called ‘Xplor Home’ and log in. This will allow you to sign in your child next week with the QR Code scanner
  3. If you prefer to sign in and out with your mobile and pin, create an Xplor ID from your welcome e-mail


I encourage you to read the Quick Start Guide as well.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.






Just a reminder that on the last day of 2020 OSHC will offer care from 1:30pm until 6pm.

Last day of year Fee will be applied!


Cooking Club: Ginger Bread



Constructions and creativity:

Sewing Club: Christmas socks and Sock pillow!

Ever Blocks: