school council 

thank you and farewell 


Last Thursday night was my final School Council meeting as President at BNW, this Tuesday I was thrilled to see my twins graduate Grade 6 at the amazing function put on by the Senior Team, last night School Council caught up face to face for the first time in 8 months for an end of year dinner, and next week I start my final week as a parent at BNW. 


You’ll excuse me if my School Council President update below is rather self-reflecting.


Around this time ten years ago as son finished his foundation year, I recall talking with partner about getting more involved in BNW. The school had lived up to our expectations for our son’s first year; nurturing his gentle soul, engaging his sense of inquiry and delivering a supportive community for us. At the time, we didn’t feel we could have asked for more.


So, in January 2011, I decided to join School Council. At the time of joining School Council there were so many things I didn’t expect;


  • I didn’t expect on joining that I would also be appointed the Treasurer, a position I held for nine years (it’s a hard job to hand on!)
  • I didn’t expect the school to grow from under 180 students to over 450 amazing human beings.
  • I didn’t expect to be part of several School Reviews, two Annual Implementation Plans to count, part of a major strategic review process or recruit a new Principal
  • I didn’t expect to initiate a campaign that would see a tight-knit team successfully raise over $6m in support of new facilities
  • I didn’t expect to spend my last year on School Council in the role of President and in this most peculiar year 
  • I didn’t expect to check out of School Council after completing 10 years of service


But I think more than some of these milestones, these tangible moments and the odd achievement here and there;


  • I didn’t expect to get as much back from the experience in terms of how it could shape and inform my carer or further my understand of the richness and diversity of the human experience
  • I didn’t expect as much satisfaction and joy from my time on Council, Finance and all the sub-committees I’ve been directly or indirectly involved in
  • I didn’t expect to see how my little effort could create valuable and meaningful outcomes to a public institution, the people who work in it and most importantly to all of our children
  • And, I didn’t expect to learn how much value one should place in the voice of the young, our children


I’m often asked by family or friends, “why”? 


My initial thinking was around a civic and public pride to give something back to a community I call my own. Soon after commencing my time on School Council, I realised my “why” also included how my commitment to school translated into a reciprocal commitment by my children. In recent years that “why” has further evolved, such that I realise how the experience has contributed significantly to my personal growth.


Do I feel like I’ve given a lot, probably. Do I feel like I’ve gained a lot, definitely. 


I want to thank you all for being part of the journey in this School that I love and appreciate so deeply, and in particular for being a big part of my personal journey. As I say farewell, I implore you to consider getting involved; join School Council, enquire about a Sub Committee, volunteer for Sprout, turn up on a working bee…you’ll be amazed how personally nourishing the experience is.


Please take care, be gentle on yourselves and those around you.


Sam Cohen

m 0412 375 061