school life 

junior school camp night 


On Wednesday I was practising camping for Grade three Camp. We did lots of stuff. My favourite thing was eating Margarita Pizza. It was delicious!  We were at school until 8pm. It was Awesome! _ Ryan Dowdy.


Last night I played with the parachute and we went under the parachute. We needed to bounce balls off the parachute. We tried to make the parachute fly up in the air and it did! – Ben Price


Last night I did craft in my classroom. My class and I were outside the door when Celia opened the door and told us to come inside and sit by the fire. I thought it was a bit strange but I understood when I saw there was a picture of a fire on the tv. Celia told us to get a piece of paper from one of the piles in front of the white board. I got one with a bell on it. We coloured the pictures and some people managed to cut them out and fold their pictures to make them into cards. – Isla Clough 


Yesterday (last night) we stayed at school until 8.00pm and we played lots of games. It was fun. My favourite thing was playing GIANT SOCCER! We had pizza and after that we watched a movie. The movie was Arthur Christmas. It was really funny. – Jasmine Mullen


Last night at school we ate pizza, watched a movie and did activities – I enjoyed it! – Lulu Mellor


Yesterday all the grade 1/ 2’s stayed at school until 8 o’clock. We watched a movie that was my favourite part. The movie was Arthur Christmas. –Fred Murphy



second-hand book stall

Gold Coin Donation (Money donated to The Indigenous Literacy Foundation)


As teachers are packing up their classrooms, they are coming across lots of child-friendly books that need to be re-homed. There's books from lots of different genres, curriculum areas and authors! 


On Tuesday, there'll be a secondhand book stall in the undercover area at lunch time. Please donate and take a book of interest. 


See you there:)