Curriculum Foci
Reading and Spelling
Level 1
This term, Level 1 students will be revising spelling and reading concepts explored at the end of Foundation. This term’s Reading and Spelling program will include the following:
- Reading and spelling words with regular and irregular spelling patterns including digraphs
- Reading and spelling CVC (Consonant Vowel Consonant) and CCVC words
- Reading and spelling with high frequency and irregular high-frequency words
- Reading different texts that include relevant spelling foci
- Ongoing practise of reading fluency
- Reviews to assess reading and spelling growth
Level 2
This term’s Reading and Spelling program will include the following:
- Reading and spelling words with various phonemes (sounds e.g. ai, ee, igh)
- Reading and spelling of multi-syllable words
- Morphology: word building using basic prefixes and suffixes
- Reading and spelling with high frequency and irregular high-frequency words
- Reviews to assess reading and spelling growth
- Text structure
- Sentence structure
- Time connectives
- Descriptive language
- Editing
Number and Algebra:
- Place Value
- Addition
Statistics and Probability:
- Data representation (graphs)
- Interpreting data
The 'Settle In Program'
This initial unit of work allows students to recognise and understand the diversity within their class. The ‘Settle In Program’ for the first week of school assists students to recognise that we are all different and unique in special ways. In addition to this, students will identify their personal strengths, learn about emotions and friendships, as well as how to include & work with others.
Discovery: The Way the World Works
This term, students will get the opportunity to investigate:
- The 5 senses
- Weather and seasons
- The sun as a source of light
- The appearance of the moon and stars at night