2020 VCE & VCAL Results
On December 29th last year we received our VCE & VCAL data. This was later than in normal years due to COVID.
Thanks to our staff who came into school to access this information and make themselves available to support students with their University / TAFE / Work pathways once they had received their final results.
It was pleasing to once again see a very high completion rate of 98% for both VCE & VCAL pathways. This is above state average.
Last year our school was also visited as part of a state-wide review of the VCAL program, and it was pleasing to see our program being recognised as a quality VCAL pathway for students. Thanks to our VCAL teachers who have worked so hard in developing this program.
One data set that we need to celebrate during a tough 2020 is our destination data. As of now, 98% of students who left our school last year have entered full time work (including traineeships & apprenticeships) or full time study (University or TAFE). We are still supporting about 5-10 students with their pathway beyond BHS. Thanks to our Careers team for supporting students with the next chapter of their life.
Our VCE Mean study score continues to be above state average, and it was pleasing to see the growth in our average ATAR up from 65 to 68. These results mean our students are now accessing greater university choices. Congratulations to our school Dux, Margot Bettles with a 98.2 ATAR. Margot is off to study medicine at Monash University.
Thanks to our VCE / VCAL teachers who worked hard in 2020 to support students. Thanks to our families who worked hard to ensure their student(s) had every opportunity to do their best. Our school data has shown positive growth in our results and I shared and celebrated this with staff at the start of the school year.
This year we have extra supports as part of a number of DET initiatives. VCE revision and a tutors program both aimed at supporting students and catching up and their learning.
We look forward to our 2021 VCE & VCAL students and working hard and celebrating their efforts and successes.
Over the last 5 years we have seen significant improvement in our data sets across the school. Our attendance rates, VCE & VCAL completion, VCE scores, and destination data are all now well above expected and state means. During this time Ian Van Schie was our Assistant Principal Years 10-12. We celebrated these achievements with Ian at the end of last year as Ian was successful in obtaining the Principal position at Fairhill’s High School in the Eastern suburbs of Melbourne. We wish Ian all the best in his new adventure and thank him for his leadership at our school. I would like to welcome Sharon Eppingstall into the role as Assistant Principal Years 10 -12. Sharon is a very experienced educator with many years of senior leadership positions. I know Sharon will continue on with the improvement journey that Ian started 5 years ago.
Gary Palmer