Classroom News 

P-2 News

This week the P-2 students thought about what makes their heart full. They came up with many things that make their hearts full, but the main thing that fills our P-2 students hearts is their family, friends, love, kindness and when people show them they care.  


Discovery Learning in the P-2 Space

P-2 spend their mornings participating and engaging in 'Discovery Learning'. During this time, the students have the opportunity to use their critical and creative thinking skills, to create, design, build, challenge themselves and improve their fine and gross motor skills. It is also a time where the students can develop their speaking and listening skills, through interactions with their peers and working together to complete tasks. 


Please watch this space, as our new and improve 'Discovery Learning Center' makes it way to the P-2 area. Big things are coming! 


P-2 Need your help! 

If you have any old, small appliances at home and would like to donate them to P-2 'Discovery Learning Center' could you please bring them in to either Bethany, Alexandra or Ann we would really appreciate it!


Very Snuggly Quilt Program

This year, as a school, we will be participating in the Very Snuggly Quilt Program. This program supports many children at the Royal Children's Hospital, by giving the child a quilt that has been made by volunteers. Children who are long stay patients receive the quilt and this is often a happy moment in what can be a difficult time in their lives. In line with the Good Samaritan values of our school, this is a way for the students to be involved with giving back to the community. On Tuesday 3rd of March, Josephine (Coordinator of The Very Snuggly Quilt Program) will come and speak with the students, the students will then draw a picture on a square of fabric. The fabric squares will then be put together with some other bright children's fabric to become a quilt. The photo below is an example of a quilt to be donated to the program.

Say tuned for more information once we get started on the quilt blocks. 

Denise Esposito (Y3/4 Teacher)