Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart Community

As I do most mornings, yesterday I visited the classrooms to see what was happening and how the day had started. I also try and do this after each recess and lunch break, to see how the transition from yard to classroom has progressed. Yesterday, as I visited our two Year One/Two classes, I witnessed the three teachers involved in explicit teaching with a group of students enthusiastically involved in their learning. I hope these three images go some way to conveying the great teaching and learning that was taking place yesterday, at around 11.40 am.


Meet the three new students who have joined us in Year Three this year. Hansvi, Andrianna and Evelyn have settled into their new school, like they have been here since Year Prep. All three girls display an ever present smile, and are always with friends. We are so happy to have you in our school girls.


As are all birthdays, so was Maria's birthday earlier this week a very happy occasion. What made the celebration even more special was the beautiful cake that one of our mum's, Kanza made for the occasion. Pictured below are the birthday girl and Kanza's two children, Areesh and Rahim with the delicious cake.


Opening of the School Year Mass

We look forward to celebrating as a school, and wider parish community, the Opening of our 2020 School Year Mass this Sunday at 10.30 am. At the conclusion of Mass, light refreshments will be served in the school multi purpose room. We would love to see as many families as possible in attendance at this important celebration. A reminder, that the Mass is an opportunity or all our families to come together no matter their faith practices, to celebrate what we have in common.


Yours Sincerely

Mark Tierney
