Stymie @ MSC

Sammy Spencer

Sammy Spener
Sammy Spener

On Wednesday 27th April, Maffra Secondary College launched Stymie!

Rachel, the creator of Stymie presented information to all students and staff and we celebrated the launch with a BBQ lunch.

Quick overview of Stymie: Stymie means to block or hinder. In our context, basically blocking bullying and unsafe behaviour from occurring, in the least confrontational way for students - an anonymous online reporting tool. Stymie came about from an educator, after a student took his life. This teacher became Australian of the Year for Queensland last year for this initiative! This online platform allows students to anonymously report bullying, violence, discrimination and/or self-harm and mental health concerns. In 2018 there were more than 40,000 reports made by students via Stymie.

How it works

Students logs onto stymie, found with google search easily. Answer 9 questions. This can be for themselves or for a peer. These are not text limited so the student can go into detail and also upload a screen shot if they wish. 

The information gets emailed to the school (encrypted) and triaged. It means someone from the Wellbeing Team can go and engage the student and follow up would then be as required/on a needs basis.