
Year 12 - Life Skills program

Rosalie Fourniotis

Year 12 Coordinator


A Year 12 student's life is busy!  


The Year 12 Life Skills curriculum is an important component of the Home Group (pastoral care) Program at the college, and aims to empower students with a range of skills that will stand them in good stead well beyond their life at BSC, encompassing study and discussion around topics of health and nutrition, exercise, study and social habits.


Recently, Year 12 students enjoyed a Yoga session - a first experience for many. Students provided a reflection on how they felt before the session, compared to how they felt afterwards - with overwhelmingly positive responses. Students enjoyed the opportunity to 'stop and smell the roses' - and were surprised at how energising the experience proved to be.  Some enjoyed it so much that they intend to keep up the practise of yoga - either individually or by joining a local class. Others found it was not for them - but they are the richer for the experience and will continue to seek their 'zen' elsewhere!