Calrossy Junior School

Term 4 Week 2B


Welcome back to our last term of the year. Students have returned in full summer uniform and are enjoying being back. It has been great to see their smiling faces and hear about their activities during the holidays.


We continued to focus on our whole school value of Gratitude this week.


"16  Rejoice always, 17 Pray continually, 18 Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


Gratitude means “showing an appreciation of kindness.” The Bible says that true gratitude comes from trusting God and noticing Him working for good in our lives, in all places and in all situations. Our response should be one of daily praise and thanksgiving as we seek to honour God and worship Him.

Ideas to Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude in Children


Gratitude is a skill.  An attitude of gratitude is a positive way of looking at life.  Gratitude can increase our children’s happiness, teach them to be more empathetic, and help them to be more thankful for everything they have. These are just a few of many suggestions to develop the skill of gratitude:

  • Say please and thank you. Our manners show that we do not believe we are entitled to anything and that in fact, we appreciate whatever comes our way.
  • Help someone less fortunate. This could be your friend, neighbour, or someone you know who is in a tough spot.
  • Share your gratitude. Take five to ask someone what they are thankful for that day.
  • Compliment others. Share the things you appreciate about another person.
  • Keep a gratitude journal. This could be in the form of writing thoughts down or through drawing or painting.
  • Always look for the positive. Find something positive in frustrating situations and discuss it.
  • Take gratitude walks. While you walk, look for the simple pleasures in the day, such as the warm sun or the birds singing, and express appreciation for them.

Year 2 Camp 

Year 2 Camp had a wonderful time at the Lake Keepit Recreation Camp on Thursday and Friday. They have thoroughly enjoyed their time spent being away from home, spending time with classmates and participating in new activities. Having their first overnight excursion was a huge undertaking for some. I'm sure we will hear a lot more about it in the coming days.

ICAS Science success


The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS ) assessments were conducted in Term 3. Students from Years 2 – 6, were selected by their teachers to participate – from Report grades they were the top 4 students in each year group for EnglishMaths and Science.

Attached is an image of all the Students who sat the ICAS Science Assessment. English and Maths results are to come.

Distinctions for Science were awarded to Archie Simmons, Martin Smyth and Joshua Suter

Credits for Science were awarded to Cameron Howle, Ben Fisher, Emma Pickens, Layla Foy and Oliver Scott.  Congratulations.



Have a wonderful week.


Ruth Allum

Primary Coordinator