Wellbeing & Engagement 

Today is a great day to be you!

Welcome back!

It's hard to believe we are already into the final term of 2022. The year really has flown by, and we are looking forward to an extremely full and exciting Term 4. 

Year 5 Camp 

We have already kicked off the term with another huge event - it was an absolute pleasure spending the first three days of Term 4 away at Forest Edge with our Year 5 cohort! 

The beautiful views on our night walk
The beautiful views on our night walk

After missing out on camps over the previous two years due to the pandemic, it was wonderful to see the smiles on all of the Year 5 students' faces over three fun-filled days last week. It was also our first camp of the year (out of four!) where the weather looked after us - we were treated to beautiful sunshine, especially over the first two days.

The activities including river sledding, flying fox, low ropes course, rock climbing, hut building, bushwalking, disc golf, damper, initiatives/team challenges, and a few others! Phew... it was a busy three days. The engagement levels were a highlight - all students showing great resilience and a willingness to have a go and at times, step outside the comfort zone.

As 2022 rapidly draws to a close, another great part of this camp opportunity was the chance to see students 'step up' and show some true leadership. We are looking closely at this Year 5 group for our potential 2023 school leaders, and we weren't disappointed. These students should feel very proud of their efforts.

Finally, a huge thank you to all staff members who attended camp - giving up their own time with families over the three days to ensure our Year 5s could attend and have a fantastic time. Thank you to Mitch Clark, Josh Godwin, Kate Wallis, Sam Carter, April Warfield, Melissa O'Brien, Khay Le, Tania Balderston, Michelle Madden, Moira Mugnier and Marika Ferguson.

World Mental Health Day

Monday 10th October was World Mental Health Day. It was a day for 'reconnecting' - after more than two highly disrupted years, a key focus was for all individuals around the world to reconnect with others around them. The theme was 'Making Mental Health and Wellbeing a Global Priority for all' - and this is definitely one thing we highly value at Rangeview. 


Looking after wellbeing and mental health is now more important than ever. Whilst we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel regarding COVID, with less cases and restrictions, the true impacts will surely be felt for many years. At Rangeview, we will continue to prioritise the personal wellbeing and mental health of all of our students - if we do everything in our power to support students in this space, it will naturally lead to greater engagement with school and improved learning outcomes.


The Resilience Project and Respectful Relationships

At Rangeview across Term 4, we will continue to embed the wonderful concepts of The Resilience Project in all classrooms. Explicit lessons focused on emotional literacy, gratitude, empathy and mindfulness will continue to contribute to the growing knowledge-base our students are developing. 


In addition to the lessons, the language of The Resilience Project is becoming more common across the school in everyday conversations. I love making my way around the school and overhearing students chatting about what they are grateful for, sharing strategies about how they cope with challenges, use key words such as 'resilience' and 'mindful' - it makes me very proud.


In the coming weeks, all students will complete a survey based on The Resilience Project to provide us with some whole-school data on its initial effectiveness. We look forward to exploring and analysing this data!


This term, our students will also participate in lessons from the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships curriculum framework. Age-appropriate lessons exploring topics such as Gender and Identity, and building Positive Relationships, will form a key part of our Wellbeing teaching and learning.

Parent Zone Resources

Please find attached the Parent Zone Eastern Region Newsletter for Term 4, provided by Anglicare. In addition, flyers for some of Anglicare's programs this term are also attached.


Stay well!


Liam Sommers
Assistant Principal
- Wellbeing and Engagement