Principal's Message


  Mrs Josie Crisara


Welcome back to Term 4

The onset of spring and daylight savings helps to create a positive commencement to the new term.  Our new Chaplain, Reverend Gavin Blakemore, commenced chapels this term by explaining his role and speaking about what it means to be part of the Uniting Church. We welcomed new staff in replacement positions: Mr Rhys Sweatman (Indonesian and History), Mr Andrew Pharoah (Science) and Ms Aine O'Neill  in the library.

Parents and Friends Association

The Parents and Friends association do great work to support our community and they are always looking for committee members and volunteers. The AGM will be held on  29 November at 7.30pm by Zoom. Nominations are being called for the positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.  Please send expressions of interest to  This is a great way for parents to involve themselves in the College and support community building and fundraising activities.

Works on campus

During the holidays trees we planted some mature trees along the entrance driveway as part of the Queen's Jubilee Tree Planting program. They will be a welcome addition and in a few years will transform the entrance.  New signage has been placed around  the College assisting visitors and parents  to find their way. The basketball courts had new basketball rings installed. They get much use, not just in class time but also at recess and lunchtime. New paddocks were installed to support the addition of more animals for the agriculture and sustainability program at the school. The new building for Years 3-6 is progressing and taking shape, with completion expected by the end of the year.