
Creative Narrative Writers at Work!

Over the last few weeks, the students of St James have completed a three-step writing moderation task. The Foundation and Year 1 class were given a stimulus titled: Please Look After this Bear and Years 2- 6 had a stimulus titled Shrunk.


The first step was to discuss a range of focus questions as a whole class and immerse themselves in the picture to spark curiosity about a potential storyline. The next step was to plan a narrative to match the picture. Students were required to think carefully about the orientation, complication, series of events and resolution. They were encouraged to draw or dot point their ideas and use a planning template if they wanted to. They were able to talk about their plans with a partner or peers so that feedback could be given and then extra details could be added if needed. 


Finally, all students independently wrote a narrative and applied their writing skills to show their understanding of the audience, text structure, ideas, characters and setting as well as vocabulary. The teachers will get together in the coming weeks to moderate these but the discussions that I have already had with students and teachers indicate some strong and creative pieces of writing! 


Well done everyone. 

Cassandra Elliott

Literacy Leader