Principal's News 

Loving Father, God of silence and God of all sound

Help me to listen.

Help me to do the deep listening to the sounds of my soul

Waiting to hear your voice calling me deeper into you

Inspire us to respect, listen and value each person who comes into our lives this day

We make this prayer in Jesus’ name.




Yesterday was the final session for our Year 5 students with the wonderful program Superspeak..  Every year I am impressed with the quality and leadership dispositions that the Year 5 develop in a short space of time with the team from Superspeak.  We  have engaged Superspeak for the past four years and they have been incredible in promoting the confidence and poise that is required for public speaking.


Our Year 5 students were able in the lead up lesson to prepare, practice and present an effective speech.  This allows them to have the skills and confidence needed to achieve more in school and in life.  It also prepares them for the Leadership roles that they will all have in Year 6 in 2023 as school leaders.  


Many thanks to Mrs Ferrari and Mrs Faturos for allowing our Year 5 students to access this highly effective program.


For the many parents that attended, I am sure that you were amazed at our future leaders.


Faith in our Future,

