Rebecca Durran
Year 12 Coordinator
Year 11 Exams
Unit 1 exams will begin on Friday 10 June for Year 11 students and then continue into Week 8 of term. The exam timetable has been shared with students via Google Classroom and a hard copy has been placed outside the Senior Sub School office.
We encourage students to speak with their teachers about revision techniques and how to be prepared for these upcoming exams. Students are reminded to be organised in their planning for revision and materials when the exams are occurring, all stationary required for the exam should be bought to the exam alongside a clear drink bottle.
If Year 11 students have any clashes with their exams and a Unit 3 & 4 class, they need to speak with a Year Level Coordinator as soon as possible to arrange a catch-up exam time.
Year 12 ISP arrangements
Starting from Week 9 Year 12 students will have the privilege of signing in late or out early if they have Independent Study Periods in the morning of afternoon. A letter detailing the ISP process has been sent home with your students and we need to have it signed and returned ASAP before issuing them with their ISP passports.
As we are coming into colder weather students are reminded to follow the uniform policy and wear the school uniform with pride. If you need any assistance with your winter uniform, please speak with your Year Level Coordinator or Homeroom Teacher.
2023 Year 12 Jumper Planning Committee
If you are interested in being a part of the Planning Committee for the 2023 Year 12 Jumper you will need to respond to the Google Form sent out by Mrs Martin.
Robbie Noggler Cup
On Thursday 2 June North Geelong Secondary College played a soccer match against Northern Bay College to celebrate the multiculturalism and rich diversity of the Northern suburbs of Geelong.
After watching the conflict in Ukraine and how it has broken the hearts of people around the world, Senior VCAL students from NGSC, Aydin Kivilcim, Milad Zare, Dylan Petrovski, Fida Husseini and Altan Onturk, wanted to organise a game to help bring awareness and support UNICEF (as many soccer leagues have done) as a sign of respect and making a stand against conflict.
The students dedicated the game to Leading Senior Constable Robbie Noggler. Robbie has played an integral role in the success of the Excellence in Sports Program and has supported our students and staff in so many ways. Robbie was the guest of honour but also the match referee.
After a Welcome to Country by Year 10 student Cait Griffin, senior VCAL student, June Hay welcomed official guests and lead a minute of silence before Captain Thomas Dimitrevski took the NGSC Senior boys to the pitch.
With some incredible goals from the team, and also a saved penalty by goal keeper, Aydin, NGSC were victorious over NBC, with the score at the final whistle 4 to 1 to the home side.
Score line aside, all of these students are winners - showing the very best sportsmanship and respect, on and off the field.
“I used to play soccer back in my old country Pakistan, but it was different because of the conflict. Since I’ve come to Australia, soccer has helped me in so many ways. Robbie helped us all to fit in with everyone by doing what we love.” Year 12 student, Fida Hussaini
“Soccer means a lot to all of us and has helped us connect with others and each other, the ‘world game’ truly does help people unite and it shows the togetherness of our schools.” Year 12 student, Aydin Kivilcim
“Robbie has taught us so much more than soccer skills. We have learnt discipline and maturity and for that we thank him dearly.” Year 12 student, Altan Onturk
The VCAL students and the team would like to thank all of the teachers and their classes who came out to support them, especially squadron leader, Bailey Griffin. Also, thank you to the staff in the office, food technology, music and HAPE who provided additional support for this event.
The students hope this is just the inaugural game and it becomes an annual tradition that lives on at NGSC for many years to come.