Steve Quinn
Middle Sub School Leader
There is so much going on in the Middle Sub School this term. It has been a hive of activity and will be right up to the last day. Here is some information on some of the action.
Year 10 Life Skills Incursion
Last Friday saw our Year 10 students experience the Life Skills Incursion. During the day, students were engaged in several presentations and workshops focusing on areas relevant to their current stage in life. Activities included a presentation from Road Smart on becoming lifelong safe drivers, Rock and Water exercises and games, interviewing skills, ironing, tyre changing and tie tying. Feedback received so far has been very positive and it seems a good time was had by all. A big thank you must go out to all those involved in the planning and running of the day.
Year 10 Leadership Camp photos
I have been trying to find photos of our incredible Year 10 Leadership Camp to Rubicon Nayook Campus that I wrote about in the last newsletter. As it turns out they were on what I thought was a misplaced USB drive on my desk all along! Anyway, sorry about the wait but here is a look at the experience.
Exams are now upon us running during Weeks 7 & 8. Exams allow our students to consolidate their learning in the classroom, learn/practice study techniques for summative assessments and provide the experience of preparing for exams and develop coping strategies that will enhance student resilience.
IMPORTANT: Materials will NOT be provided to students during the exam period. Students must come prepared with all the required materials including pens, pencils, erasers, calculators and any other necessary items for specific subjects.
As this will be the last Newsletter for Semester One, I thought I would look back over the year to date and recognise those students who have displayed a positive commitment to their learning and our college consistently this year. Below is a list of all the students who have received ten or more positive recognition entries on Compass this year.
Name | HG | No. Positive Entries |
Luke House | 9E | 16 |
Dayna Maring | 9G | 14 |
Asher Mitchell | 9E | 13 |
Rehan Briggs | 9G | 13 |
Sienna Kovac | 9G | 13 |
Jaxon Brideson | 9G | 12 |
Angus Donohue | 9E | 12 |
Alex Tye | 9E | 12 |
Jamie O'Reilly | 10D | 11 |
Lucy Heitmann | 9C | 11 |
Dean Smilevski | 9C | 11 |
Lilly D'Elia | 9F | 10 |
Caitlin Jennings | 9C | 10 |
Hayden Waugh | 9C | 10 |
Baran Baykiz | 9E | 10 |
Khobe Costello | 9E | 10 |
These students deserve a huge congratulations for not only exemplifying our college values, but doing so consistently. Well done!
Geelong Tertiary Futures Program
Our Year 9 cohort have been lucky enough this term to have been involved in the Geelong Tertiary Futures Program (GTFP) which involves excursions to the Gordan TAFE and engaging practically in a variety of employment options. During this program students are provided with an in-depth preview of a broad range of tertiary studies which aims to help them clarify their aspirations for future employment as well as building employability skills. Their second excursion was today (3/6) and the final visit for the program will be on 16 June (Week 8). Thank you to Ms Perin for all her hard work and organisation in making this experience possible.